I Hate Everything About You Ch. 13

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"Giovanni was never here." 

I stood in shock. "W-What? Of course he was here. He gave me the orders, he called me, he sent the grunt, he--"

"That was us." Archer said. 

"No...no, he was here I saw--" I paused. "Petrel."

"You are smarter than you appear!" Petrel smirked. "I was the one disguised as Giovanni to send you on the mission, and the one who answered when you called."

"But...why? Why would you need Silver?" I asked, still trying to process what's happening. 

"Giovanni's been missing for a while. About 3 years, and you never noticed. Each time you did see 'him', it was Petrel." Proton explained. "We thought that getting the boss's son would make him return."

"...When we were finished with that and we came back home, I found Usaring but not my father..." 

I backed up a bit, reality hitting me in the face like a ton of bricks. He was missing this whole time, and I never knew it.

"We tried taking over the Radio Tower to announce it, but they got in the way." Archer said. "Tomorrow we'll try the Sliph Co. building in Saffron, like how Team Rocket did years ago. News of that will spread, and boss will come back. Especially when he hears about his poor, helpless son."

"Helpless? Helpless how?" I asked. 

"Now if we tell you that, you'll get in the way, am I right?"

I backed up a bit more, ready to run out the door if needed. "Come on, I'm one of you guys, you can tell me."

"You? On of us?" Ariana laughed. "You were only a tool, and now we don't need you." Archer and Proton grabbed my arms, holding them behind my back. 

"Hey!" I shouted, beginning to struggle. I tried getting out of their grip, but they were too strong. They dragged me out of the room, and to where the cells were. I kicked and screamed the whole way. I heard the creak of the cell door opening, and they threw me in. I landed on my stomach, which will probably bruise later...

"Urf..." I just sat there, not moving, trying to get back the air I lost. 

"You three will remain here while we head to Saffron, but first..." Archer smirked, looking over to Petrel. Petrel pulled out a regular looking Pokeball, releasing the Crobat in it. 

I managed to get up, and watch what they were planning on doing. They walked over to Silver's cell, opening it and walking in. 

"Hey! What are you doing?!" Silver yelled as they forced him up on his feet, holding him tightly as he struggled. They pulled on his hair to keep his head up. 

"Let him go, please!" I yelled, grabbing the bars. 

"Crobat, lick." 

I closed my eyes and looked away, not wanting to see what happened. Silver's pained screams rang in my ears. I opened one of my eyes, and saw him on the floor breathing heavily, his hands covering his eyes. The executives left, locking Silver in his cell again. 

"Silver?" Gold spoke up. "Silver, you ok?" 

No response. He just sat there keeping his face buried in his hands. 

"This is all my fault..." I said quietly, but it still echoed through my empty room. "They tricked me and used me...I feel terrible..."

"What do you mean?" Gold asked. 

"They tricked me into bringing Silver here...I didn't mean for things to turn out this way..." I sighed. "Look...you guys don't have to forgive me, but I need to apologize. I'm sorry for everything I did. I'm sorry for lying to you, I'm sorry for hurting you, I'm sorry for getting in the way all of the time, and..." I paused. "I'm really sorry for ever meeting you...things would be better if you two never met me." 

I Hate Everything About You {Pokemon Fan-Fic} (PKMN Watty Best Romance 2013)Where stories live. Discover now