I Hate Everything About You Ch. 6

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"So I've been having nightmares lately...ever since I woke up at the Pokemon Center." I started telling Silver. "I was surrounded by graves, and one of them had my name on it. Then my parents showed up and kept saying...um, stuff I don't remember." I lied. I didn't want him questioning me about things that might make him figure out that I'm from Team Rocket. "Next Feraligatr showed up. He attacked me by clawing and biting me. After that, the ground opened up and I was sent to hell...well that's what my parents said. I don't know what it was, but there was something down there with me, maybe a Pokemon. I couldn't see it clearly in the dark, but I could see glowing red eyes and 6 red spikes." I finished.

Silver was looking down at his lap and I couldn't tell what his expression was. "Red eyes and red spikes...sounds kind of familiar." He said.

"So you've been to hell and back?" I smirked.

"Tch, of course not!" He growled at me, looking up again. 

"Relax, I was only joking." I said. 

"Whatever...I need to go get a room before they're all taken." He said, standing up and walking out. 

"I have to go get Dragonair." I said, following him. Silver didn't reply.


I got Dragonair, went back to the room, and around 9 o'clock, I decided to try and sleep. I struggled to try and fall asleep. It was probably the fear of watching that nightmare again...but eventually my eyes got too tired of staying open and I dozed off without even realizing it. 

I was running in pure darkness. I couldn't tell where I was going, or even if I was moving forward at all. That familiar screech echoed in the darkness, and I could tell that monster was behind me. 

I could finally see a light, and I ran to it. It could have been the way out.

I ran through it. I was safe from the monster, but I found a new danger. 

This place was familiar, but everything was up in flames...like how I saw it last. My home when it was caught on fire. I was stuck and couldn't find an exit, and the window was the only way out, but if I remember it was a 3 story jump. I looked around, seeing that it was my old bedroom. The pink walls were slowly getting charred, my photos were burning up, and my Pokemon plushes were turning black. I opened the window, allowing some smoke to escape. 

'Jump.' A voice in my head said. I looked down, and saw someone with arms wide open. I couldn't tell who it was. 

'Jump...it's ok, I'll catch you.' They said again. Their voice sounded so familiar, but I couldn't tell who it was. They were just a black figure, like a shadow.

I jumped, expecting to fall into their arms. But everything faded away, and I kept falling. 

Finally I could see the bottom, and from here I could tell where it was.

I shot up out of bed, right before I hit the ground. For some reason if I was falling and about to hit the ground in dreams, I'd wake up right before the impact. 

It was 6 o'clock in the morning, and the sun was just coming up. Since obviously I wasn't going to get anymore sleep, I got ready and went outside. I had Dragonair's Pokeball clipped to my belt and my Pokegear on my wrist, all ready to go.

I walked out in the foggy air. Not many people were out, but those who were were older people. I walked to the Dragon's Den, where I thought Dragonair would be able to get some good training. Taking a ride on Dragonair, we got through the little pond right before the cave, and we entered. There was a ladder, which I climbed down after returning Dragonair. 

I Hate Everything About You {Pokemon Fan-Fic} (PKMN Watty Best Romance 2013)Where stories live. Discover now