I Hate Everything About You Ch. 7

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I followed Silver out and to some quiet building. We walked inside, and the walls were lined with shelves filled with books. A library I guess? 

"You said that the thing you saw in your dreams had red eyes and spikes, right?" Silver asked. His voice echoed through the building.


He led me over to a table with an opened book. I suppose he was here earlier.

"I looked around a bit and this was the closest thing to the description." He said, glove covered finger pointing to the picture. 


"Yep. But Giratina is a Sinnoh Pokemon, it won't come after you." He said.

"...Why did you do this?" I asked, looking over to him. 

He didn't answer so we stood there in silence. But I didn't find it awkward at all...it was actually nice just standing here in silence other than being yelled at about something.

"I only did this beca-" He was interrupted by the beeping of his Pokegear.

"Silver, we gotta go to Goldenrod's Radio Tower now." Gold said, tone serious.

"Why?" Silver asked.

"Team Rocket has taken over the tower, we gotta stop them. Me and Lyra are already on the way there."

Silver nodded and hung up. "Come on Umber." He said, grabbing my wrist and dragging me out. Once outside, he released his grip on me and released his Murkrow. "You follow me on Dragonair, alright?" I nodded, seeing that I didn't have much of a choice. I released Dragonair and climbed on his back. Murkrow and Silver took off into the skies, while me and Dragonair followed. 


We made it to the tower, which was infested with Rockets. Outside we saw Lyra and Gold waiting for us. We ran over to them.

"Alright, so anyone have a plan?" Silver asked.

"Do what we usually do? Barge in and whoop their ass's?" Gold suggested. 

"...Sure, you try that while I sit here and figure out a smart way in." Silver sighed. 

"We could sneak in...like, dressed as Rocket grunts." Lyra said. 

"If they don't regonize us..." Silver said. "Umber, got any ideas?"

"No." I said. You think I'd actually help them break in?

"Tch, fine, we'll go with Lyra's plan." Lyra squealed with joy. "I know just the place to get uniforms!" 

"You guys go ahead, I'll meet up with you later." I said as they started following Lyra.

"What? Why?" Gold asked, stopping. 

"Er...they'd regonize me even with a uniform. I'm more involved with Team Rocket then you know."

"I'm sure you'll be ok!" Gold said.

"No Gold, I'm going on my own." I glared. 

Silver walked up behind Gold. "Come on, if they know her, she could ruin it. Just let her be." He said. Gold sighed, and turned to follow Lyra again. Once out of sight, I turned and ran into the tower. 


I made it to the top of the tower, where Executive Archer was. I walked in, seeing him staring out the window of the tower.

"You are aware that 3 trainers are coming to stop you, right?" I said once I walked a few feet in. 

"No problem, the other executives can stop them, or at least weaken them so when they get here." Archer said, completely calm.

I Hate Everything About You {Pokemon Fan-Fic} (PKMN Watty Best Romance 2013)Where stories live. Discover now