I Hate Everything About You Ch. 4

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Authors Note: Just in case if anyone was wondering, this story is both game-verse and manga-verse. No anime. Just game and manga. So somethings are different than the game, and some things are different from the manga. Forgot to mention that ^^;


I still felt somewhat groggy, but I forced myself awake. I was in the Pokemon Center, hooked up to whirring and beeping machines. Dratini was curled up on a chair, snoring slightly. Silver was on the chair next to him, his chin rested on his hand, also asleep. I looked at the wall clock, and it read 10:30 am. I wonder how long I was out...

I looked at the machines I was connected to, and saw one pumping blood in, and another taking something out. It was purple, so I guess that wasn't suppose to be in my bloodstream anyways. 

The door opened and a Chansey walked in pushing a cart. There was food, a few clean towels, and medical looking stuff. It replaced the towels in the bathroom with the clean ones. Then it put the food on the side table next to my bed, and grabbed the medicine equipment. They were syringes filled with a clear liquid.

"Chansey!" The Chansey said, pointing to my arm. I lifted my arm, and on my wrist there was a tube, with nothing connected to it. The Chansey took my wrist, carefully sticking the syringe and the tube together, and then squeezing the medicine into my arm. Chansey took the syringe out, and put it back on the cart. 

"Chan, Chansey!" It smiled, pushing the cart back out and closing the door behind it.

I heard a slight squeak from Dratini, and saw him stretching. "Dratini!" He squeaked again, seeing that I was awake. He tapped Silver in the head with his tail, and then jumped off the chair and slithered over to me. 

Silver's eyes fluttered open, and he looked over at me. "You finally awake?" 

"How long was I out?" I asked.

"A few days..." He replied, walking over to the mini fridge in the room. 

"A few days?!" I yelled.

"Relax and drink this." He said walking over to me, holding out a glass cup with a smoothie in it. 

"What's in it?"

"I don't know; I'm not a nurse or a Chansey. They told me to make sure you drink this when you got up." I took it and had a small drink of it through the straw. It was sweet, smooth (well it is a smoothie...), and not all that bad.

"So did you just sit in here and sleep while I was knocked out?" I asked, still sipping away at my drink.

"No. I went north to the Lake of Rage, caught a red Gyrados, got the gym badge, and stopped Team Rocket with Gold."

"Um, stopped Team Rocket from doing what?" Hopefully he didn't mean stop Team Rocket completely, because then I wouldn't know what to do.

"Forcing Magikarp to evolve at the lake."

I held in my sigh of relief. "Oh."

"Well Gold is probably ahead of us...if he didn't stop at some attraction or something." Silver said, taking some food from the table. 

"So are you saying that it's my fault?"

"Pretty much, I'd already be gone if it wasn't for you."

Originally I would have either glared, or snapped at him, but I kept my cool. I needed to gain his trust to trick him to getting him to Giovanni. "Well I'm sorry." I said.

He looked sorta confused. "Um, it's fine...?" 

"Why the face?"

"You didn't yell at me or something...are you ok?"

I Hate Everything About You {Pokemon Fan-Fic} (PKMN Watty Best Romance 2013)Where stories live. Discover now