I Hate Everything About You Ch. 2

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"Oh, oh, oh! Look, Umber! A Pokemon bug catching contest!" Gold shouted, pointing frantically at the poster on the wall. "And it starts in 10 minutes! Come on, please do this with me!"

I suppose your wondering why I'm traveling with him, considering that I constantly told him 'no.' Well...it's kind of a long story...

"Please Umber..." Gold asked, looking at me with puppy dog eyes.

"No." I repeated for the thousandth time.

"Why not...?" He asked, with the same face.

"I already told you, you're annoying, and I like being alone."

"But come on, we're heading to the same place, so we might as well walk together...and maybe get to know each other better?"

"I don't want to know you better, and I'd be happy if I never met you."

"Why are you being so stubborn?"

"Why are you being so annoying?"

"Because I wanna travel with you."


"Because I want company."

"You have a freakin' Quilava and a team of other Pokemon, and you mean to tell me that you're lonely?"

Gold put an arm around my shoulder. "Maybe I want a girl to travel with."

"Then good luck finding one...and don't touch me." I said, shrugging his arm off my shoulder.

"You don't like me touching you?" He smirked.

"One: Yes. Two: You made that sound really creepy." I said, walking away. He followed (of course), and gripped onto my arm. "Let go, Goldie." I struggled to get my arm out of his vice-like grip. 

"Travel with me."

"No." He gripped onto me tighter.

"Travel with me."

"N-No." Tighter.

"Travel with me~" He said again, getting tighter and tighter.

"Fine! I'll travel with you, just let go and DON'T touch me!" He let go, and I took my arm away. I'm sure you know what happened after that...besides me having to travel with him. Yup, another flick to the head.

"No, you can do it another day. Today isn't the only day." I said, reading the poster. 

"You're no fun." 

"I just have places to go." I said, continuing out the door.

"Come on, it'll be quick. I promise." Arceus, this kid was persistant.

I sighed. "How about I get a head start, and you can meet me in the city?" 

"You just want an excuse to get away from me, don't you?" Gold said, giving me a subspicious look.

"It's hard to avoid you anyways..." I mumbled.

Gold tilted his head, as if he was thinking. "What if I left Quilava with you? You could take him and Dratini to the Pokemon Center and I could meet you there."

"You seriously woulld trust me with your Quilava?"

"Yeah, I don't see why not!" He said, pulling out Quilava's pokeball, and handed it to me. "I'll meet you in the Pokemon Center there, and from here, the walk should take about 2 hours, maybe an hour and a half. I'll be about 30 minutes behind you."

I Hate Everything About You {Pokemon Fan-Fic} (PKMN Watty Best Romance 2013)Where stories live. Discover now