I Hate Everything About You Ch. 20

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Fanart (as above) was drawn by baskervillesknight ^^

Gold put me down so I was standing, but I still needed his support. Our hypnotized Pokemon stood besides the executives, and their glares held pure evil in them. Main objective: make it out alive.

"Now how did you two get out?" Archer asked, arms behind him back. We remained silent, hoping to stall.

"What's the matter, Meowth got your tongue?" Petrel said. "Ah, well, its nice to see that you two are still trying; it was getting a little boring around here."

"But they don't have any Pokemon with them, and that's still no fun." Proton said. "I say watching them die will be a great entertainment." Proton grabbed two Pokeballs from his belt, releasing the two Zubat. They flew behind me and Gold, holding their razor sharp wings to our necks. I tensed up, knowing that if we pulled one wrong move, we were goners.

"Now, now, Proton. Be patient." Archer said. "They could prove to be great allies. Well, the boy anyways. Umber's a traitor so you can dispose of her first." Zubat's wing got tighter on my neck, but I didn't show any signs of struggle or fear. Gold remained the same too. "Unless if she, of course, gives in." The wing loosened.

"I don't know, Archer; I don't think I trust her." Proton continued, having the Zubat tighten around me again.

"Here's an idea!" Petrel cheered. "Why don't we watch her own Pokemon kill her? It would be quite ironic in a way, and plenty entertaining!" The Zubat around my neck released its hold, flying over to Proton.

"That's a great idea. Dragonite, why don't you play with your old trainer?" Dragonite stepped toward me, not showing any signs of love towards me. I backed up, only to have Dragonite step closer.

"Use hyper beam!" Dragonite opened its mouth and powered up the attack.

I quickly stepped back again, almost turning and sprinting.

"Now Dragonite! Kill your trainer!" The attack was fully powered, and fired it at me. I quickly jumped out of the way though.

"Again Dragonite!" Dragonite started to power up again. Before firing again, Dragonite blinked a couple times. The hatred was gone, and only showed confusion, and the old dragon I knew. Silver must have shut off the machine and snapped the Pokemon out of their trances.

"Dragonite, hyper beam!" I shouted. The orange Pokemon turned to the executives, blasting them with the powerful attack.

Gold's Pokemon ran to him, and his Ambipom knocked the Zubat away from him. He grinned, hugging his Pokemon as much as he could. "Alright, let's show 'em who's the strongest; Explotaro, flamethrower!" The golden eyed trainer commanded. His fire starter nodded and faced the Rocket members, releasing the flames. They protected themselves with their own Pokemon though.

"Houndoom, dark pulse!" Archer yelled to his Pokemon.

"Dragon pulse!" I countered. The attacked collided, exploding. Taking advantage of the smokescreen, Dragonite flew in and hit Houndoom with a dragon claw.

"Blow the smoke away!" Proton commanded his army of Zubat. The raging winds blew the smoke away, clearing up the hallway once again.

"You guys are gonna lose, you know," I started. "Wouldn't it be best to quit now?"

"Never. We just need to go turn on the machine once again." Archer said, turning to Ariana and asking her to go turn the machine back on. She nodded before running off.

"Dragonite, stop her!" My orange dragon quickly flew over, but was blocked by Weezing. "Dragon claw!" Weezing was knocked down, but it wasn't out.

I Hate Everything About You {Pokemon Fan-Fic} (PKMN Watty Best Romance 2013)Where stories live. Discover now