I Hate Everything About You Ch. 18

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All around was pitch black, but I could tell I was falling. I looked down, seeing light. I remember this from earlier...from when that dark figure caught me? I just kept falling in the darkness. I finally made it to the bottom, right back to Pokemon Tower. Where my first nightmares took place. 

I looked around again, but I was alone. No Feraligatr, no mom, no dad, no Giovanni, and no Silver. No one. Just me and all the tomestones. 

"H-Hello?" I was able to call out. I felt like I had some kind of control now. 

"Seems that you're starting to follow the right path." I jumped at the sudden voice. "Keep following that path and you and your friends will be able to stop Team Rocket." I turned to face the speaker, my parents. 

"We have no Pokemon though. They're all under Team Rocket's control!" I said, remembering Dragonite's last attack on the three of us. I remembered the sudden pain of hyper beam burning my skin and practically tearing me apart. I remembered the evil glare's the Pokemon gave us. The murderous glares our friends gave us...

"Just get to the basement and destroy the machine. As long as you do that, your Pokemon will listen to you again."

"You say that like its so simple..."

"There's a way, you and your friends just need to talk about it." 

"Yeah, yeah, yeah...make another plan? It'll fail just like the last one did."

"If you keep thinking like that, then yeah, it will fail."

I sighed. "How am I even speaking to you in the first place?" I paused and gasped. "I'm dying! I'm dying, aren't I?! I'm only 16, that's too early!"

My parents chuckled. "No, you're not. Although the injuries you received in that last attack are fatal...but don't worry, you're just unconscious."

I relaxed a bit. Only a bit though...like they said, that last attack caused some serious damage, so maybe I'll only be living for a short while? Or never wake up...? 

I shook those thoughts out of my head. I'm going to stay alive, I'm going to stop Team Rocket, I'm going to save my friends...

I sighed again. "All we need to do is get to the basement, and shut down the machine...that's all. We can do this..."

"This is only a bump in the road...bad things always happen to good people. Things will get better. You can win this..."

I nodded. "Only a bump in the road..." I repeated. I kept repeating it to myself quietly, trying to convince myself that everything will get better. 

"Umber...?" I heard a familiar voice call out. "Umber, wake up!"

"Umber, please! Wake up..."

I opened my eyes, only to meet golden ones. "Umber! You're awake!"

I groaned in pain. I could still feel the burning pain and I was sore all over. "Gold...? How long was I out?" 

"A few days...maybe a week or so." He said.

"Or two..." Silver mumbled. 

"You started turning a little so I thought it would be good to try and wake you up again..." Gold said. "What were you dreaming about?"

"Not much..." I lied. "I guess I was only struggling 'cause I was waking up..."

"If you say so...anyways, how are you feeling?"

I Hate Everything About You {Pokemon Fan-Fic} (PKMN Watty Best Romance 2013)Where stories live. Discover now