I Hate Everything About You Ch. 3

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"Umber, wake up." 


"Umber.~ It's time to wake up.~"


Poke, poke, poke, poke, poke, po-

"Cut it out!" I yelled, slapping Gold's hand away. "Seriously, how many times have I told you not to touch me!"

"I wasn't touching, I was waking you up." 

I sighed. "Whatever. What time is it?"

Gold grinned. "Pancake time!"


"He's gonna go eat some pancakes in the cafeteria." Silver said, stretching his glove on his hand as if he just put it on.

"Yeah, so last one there is a rotten egg!" He yelled, running out of the room. I had no idea how to reply to that, let alone anything he says.

"Well I thought about what you said last night." Silver said once Gold was gone.

"And...?" I said, waiting for his answer.

"I don't know if I believe you yet, with the whole 'I'll help you' shit. How do I know you're not working for the police or something?"

"Trust me, I'm not."

"You really think that's gonna change my mind? You'll have to prove it to me before I let you help me." Wow he makes everything difficult.

"Fine, what do you want me to do?" 


I climbed in through the window of the Pokemart, in the back room. There were boxes stacked everywhere, holding multiple items inside. I went over to the one marked 'Pokeballs,' put my gloves on (too make sure no finger prints were left anywhere) and opened it up. It was filled with pokeballs, great balls, ultra balls, heal balls, and net balls. I reached in and pulled out a couple of net balls and ultra balls, and quietly stuffed them in my pockets. I made sure everything was put back in place before I was here, minus the pokeballs in my pocket.

At this point I was whisper to myself 'too easy,' but I've seen enough movies and read enough books to know that if I did that, I'd be caught, trip over something, find out I'm trapped, ect. So I decided to keep my mouth shut.

I climbed back out of the window, and met Silver out behind the Pokemon Center. 

"So, impress me." He said, with his voice still emotionless as usual. I pulled out the different pokeballs from my pocket and handed them to him. 

"Now can I have my money back?" I said, holding my hand out for my wallet. You're wondering why he has my wallet, right? Well we sorta made a deal...

"Fine, what do you want me to do?"

"Go to the Pokemart and get me some net balls and ultra balls; there's a Pokemon I've been planning on catching, and I'm low on pokeballs." Silver explained.

"...You want me to buy you pokeballs?"

"No, I want you to steal them." He held his hand out. "Now give me your wallet, just to make sure you didn't pay for them." I stuffed my hand in my pocket, pulled out my light blue wallet, and placed it in his hand. "Now run along." He said, waving me away.

He gave me back my wallet, which I decided to check if it still has my money in it.

"I didn't take anything." Silver snapped.

I Hate Everything About You {Pokemon Fan-Fic} (PKMN Watty Best Romance 2013)Where stories live. Discover now