I Hate Everything About You Ch. 11

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Warning: Possible spoilers for Pokemon Special manga :)


"Well come on, you'll have plenty of fun in there!" Blue said, tugging on my arm. We were both dressed up nicely for this reunion, standing right outside of the lab. She wore her own sleeve-less, blue dress, with her hair pinned up, while my hair was curled and I wore my own dress I got yesterday. 

"I don't want to go in." I mumbled. "I look rediculious."  

"No you don't! You look really nice; Ruby really did a good job with your hair and makeup!" She said, taking a better look at my makeup. 

I sighed. "Let's just get this over with..." 

Blue smiled, and opened the double doors to the lab, walking in. I followed right behind her.

The place had the lights dimmed, with neon lights everywhere. Streamers were hung everywhere, snack tables were surrounding the room, and loud music filled the room. Everyone was already there, including the Dexholders I've never seen before. Everyone was off doing their own thing, like Gold and some other blond having a dance off or something...rather strangely, while some chubby kid near the snack tables, Red talking to Green, only for Green to roll his eyes, and so on. 

"Why don't you go talk to Silver? He looks like he wants some company." Blue said, winking. We looked over to see him leaning up against a wall away from the others, boredly looking into his drink. 

"Why would I? I talk to him all the time..." I said. "Besides, he doesn't like my company." 

"Hm? What makes you say that?" Blue said, now looking concerned. 

"I don't know...he's just so much kinder to you and the others, and he actually looks a little happier. With me around, he's always bitter and arguing with me." I said, looking away from his direction. "He gets along with Gold better than me, and look at him!" I pointed Gold out, still dancing like an idiot. He kinda made me think of a confused Hoothoot.

"They're just best friends, they've known each other for a few years. He probably doesn't know you enough to open up." Blue said. "He was like that to at least everyone here...he's opened up to each of them."

I sighed again. "I'm not gonna even bother...I don't need him." I turned around, beginning to walk out. 

"Of course you do!" Blue smirked, grabbing my arm and dragging me over to Silver. I struggled to get out of her grip, but no use. "Hey Silver!! I brought you a friend!" Blue shouted, practically shoving me toward him. Luckily I regained my footing, and avoided crashing into him. "I want you two to have fun, ok?"

Silver didn't look up from his drink. "Fine...whatever."  

Blue giggled. "Alright then!" She said, running over to Red, Green, and Yellow. 

I looked over to Silver, who was also dressed nicely. He wore a black suit, with a silver tie to match his eyes. His hair was pinned out of his face, and those black gloves weren't on his hands. 

He sighed. "So what's fun to you?" 

I shrugged. "You're the one that wanted to stay here. You figure out what to do." 

"I wanted to stay here to see my friends, not you. I'd rather be talking to everyone else."

I held back a growl. "Oh really? It didn't seem like it; I walked in here and caught you over here acting like you didn't want to be here!"

"I was waiting for Blue!"

"You like Blue?"

Silver froze. "I never said that..." I barely heard him say over the booming music. 

I Hate Everything About You {Pokemon Fan-Fic} (PKMN Watty Best Romance 2013)Where stories live. Discover now