I Hate Everything About You Ch. 17

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"Oh dear, what a pity." Ariana laughed. "Seems to me that you're at a disadvantage." 

"You against the four of us? You must be pretty stupid if you think you can win." Petrel said. 

It was just me and my one Dragonite against Archer's Houndoom, Ariana's Arbok, Petrel's Weezing, and Proton's Golbat. And no doubt about it, they had more with them. If Dragonite goes down, I'm finished. 

"I don't think I can win," I started. "I know I can win." 

"That's some great determination you got there, but it won't be enough to take us down!" Archer smirked. "Houndoom, dark pulse!" 

"Dragonite, counter with dragon pulse!" The two attacks collided, making a small explosion. 

"Weezing, smokescreen!" The Weezing coughed out black smoke, filling the whole room. 

"Arbok, poison sting!" 

"Dragonite, brace yourself!" We couldn't guess where the attack would come from, so it would be the best we could do. It came from directly in front of us, shooting us with needles of poison. Me and Dragonite both got hit by the attack, but endured it anyways. "Ok, now use...!" I stopped when we got hit by another poison sting attack from behind. But there was no way they could move that fast! 

I jumped on Dragonite's back, signalling it to fly up. "Blow the smoke away with your wings!" The dragon Pokemon did as told, clearing the room. Ariana sent out the rest of her snakes, and now they were at every corner of the room. That explained the extra attack from behind. 

"Now, now, we can't have you flying around, Golbat and Zubats, can you do something about that for us?" Proton smirked. His team of bats flew over quickly, baring their fangs. 

"Use dragon claw once they get close!" Dragonite's claws glowed red and blue, showing that it was ready to attack. Dragonite smashed them all down, or at least we thought all of them. One sneaked around behind us, biting through one of the orange Pokemon's wings. More joined, making holes in the wings. My Pokemon couldn't fly anymore, and we crashed down to the floor. 

"There we go, much better." They laughed. 

I growled. "Dragon pulse and knock them all away!" The attack hit the groups of bats, most of them fainting or falling back. 

"Weezing, smokescreen again!" 

"Dragonite, blow it away again!" Dragonite flapped its wings, but slowly and poorly. There were too many holes in his wings for him to do anything. The smoke remained in the room, and we couldn't see anything. 

"Arbok, poison sting again!" We got hit by all different directions, and Dragonite couldn't fly to dodge. 

"Dragon pulse!" He aimed straight forward, right where the admins should have been. The sound of the attack hitting something was hurt, so I guess I must have hit one of them. 

Above I could hear screeching. Looking up, I saw Golbats diving down, pointing their sharpened wings at us. 

"Dragonite, hyper beam!" A bright orange light glowed in his mouth, blasting it at the group of bats. They all fell around us; fainted.

"Way to go, Dragonite..." I coughed. Dragonite seemed weaker before, but could it have been from the hyper beam? I felt tired too though.

"Sounds like the poison gas reached you two!" Petrel laughed."I ordered Weezing to mix poison gas in with the smoke, so before you two know it, you two will be at our feet!" His voice sounded like it was coming from the right. 

"What about you guys? You'd get caught up in your own trap!" I yelled between coughs.

"We're not in the smokescreen so we're safe from the posion." I heard one answer from another side of the room. "But your Dragonite can't move fast without its wings, so its stuck in that spot, and unless if you leave it there helplessly, then you two are going to suffocate from the poison."

I Hate Everything About You {Pokemon Fan-Fic} (PKMN Watty Best Romance 2013)Where stories live. Discover now