I Hate Everything About You Ch. 8

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Back at Blackthorn, the city filled with dragon tamers and well...black thorns! Ok, not so much black thorns, but dragon tamers and trainers, yes. What am I doing? Besides sitting on the sidelines watching the fierce Silver vs. Clair battle slowly coming to an end...nothing. I must have been sitting here for what felt like hours, because this is one long battle. I believe each of them have one Pokemon left; Sneasel against Kingdra, and neither of them seem to be wanting to give up. Which I can understand seeing that Sneasel knows Silver wants to move on to the Elite Four, and Kingdra doesn't want to lose again (first being Lyra and Gold).

"Sneasel, Icy Wind!" Silver commanded. Sneasel blasted the cold wind at Kingdra, slowing it down and slightly damaging it. 

"Kindgra, shake it off and use Hydro Pump!" Kingdra blasted a jet of water at Sneasel, who dodged it easily. 

"Use Quick Attack then Slash!" Sneasel quickly ran up to Kingdra, slashing it right across the face, and flipped back to avoid close range attacks. Kingdra looked like it would fall with just one more hit.

"Kingdra, use Twister!" Clair yelled. Kingdra whipped up a rather weak Twister attack, but still enough to blow Sneasel back. 

"Get up and use Quick Attack!" Like before, Sneasel ran up to Kingdra, slashing its claws at it once more. Kingdra fell and, once again, Clair had to accept defeat. They both returned their Pokemon, and Silver held his hand out, waiting for his badge. Clair glared, but placed the badge in his waiting hand (rather bitterly). 

I got up from the stands and walked down the stairs, meeting Silver at the entrance. 

"So, uh, nice job out there..." I said, deciding to try and be nice.

"...Thanks? I guess..." Silver replied, most likely finding my comment out of the ordinary. 

"So you're ready for the League now, huh?" I asked. 

"Technically yes, but we still need to cross over into Kanto, travel to the reception gate, and then travel through Victory Road." He explained. 

"What?? That's just a..." I stopped, looking for the right words.

"A pain in the ass? Yes, it is. And of course we'll run into Gold and/or Lyra on the way..." He said. "We need to stock up on supplies first though...who knows how many days we'll be traveling without a Pokemon Center to stop at."

"Sleeping outside?" I mumbled to myself. When you grow up in a city, that is not somewhere you want to sleep. 

Silver either ignored my comment, or didn't hear me, because we continued out of the gym and to the PokeMart. The automatic sliding doors opened at our arrival, showing us the multicolored shelves and racks. 

"What do we need?" I asked.

"Food...medicines...things like that. You should know this by now." The redhead said, walking down aisles, picking out some things we'll need. "Why don't you go heal our Pokemon since you're just following me around like my shadow..." 

"Is there anything else I really could do besides that?" I said through gritted teeth. 

"Yes, go heal our Pokemon." He said, placing his Pokeballs in my hands. 

"Fine, whatever..." I mumbled, walking away. I tried not getting distracted by the things on shelves because once one thing catches my attention, I'll be stuck there for hours. I just stared at the floor and made my way out. 

Once outside, I couldn't help but shiver a bit. I guess the winter season was on its way, considering it wasn't always this cold...I probably should go back and buy some warmer clothing. I don't want a repeat of the Ice Cave...perverted Gold made me completely regret all of that...

I Hate Everything About You {Pokemon Fan-Fic} (PKMN Watty Best Romance 2013)Where stories live. Discover now