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"Why would he break in there? I just don't understand what he was doing," Deena says, pacing around the kitchen. 

I'm currently sitting next to Deena's younger brother, Josh. "Let me have some of that," I tell Josh, referring to the juicebox he's drinking. He rolls his eyes and hands it over. I smile at him. "Thanks, Josh."

"He was acting all shifty and shit. Like going through the laundry," Simon says, walking over to where Josh and I are sitting. Simon wraps an arm around Josh's shoulders. "You gotta get some groceries, man! We have an incredible sale at the store-"

I throw the empty juice box at him. 

"Stop self-promoting. You sound desperate, babe."

Simon glares at me. "Says you, babe," He says, referring to me stealing the juice box.

"I was desperate for juice, babe-"

"He broke into the house! He had a knife!" Kate yells. "Woah!" Josh yells. "With the kids there? That's wack!"

Kate shakes her head in agreement. "That's fucking right Josh. It is wack. Thank you."

Josh blushes. I giggle and lean into his ear. "Go get your girl."

He shoves me off of him and I just laugh harder.

"There were kids there. Ok, and what? He thinks because he's balling Sam, he can come and prank us on our own turf," Kate says.

Deena nods. "Okay, you know what? You're right. Fuck this. Fuck Peter."

"Hello?" I yell at Deena, getting her attention. "Don't forgot the most important part, girl," Simon pours whip cream into my mouth. I tap his arm as a 'thanks'. I close my mouth and swallow. "Fuck Sam."

"Yeah, fuck Sam," Kate says.

"Yeah, fuck her. She needs to get her psycho boyfriend in check," Deena says, grabbing the car keys. 

I push down on Simon's shoulders to help myself get up. "Excuse you," He says, as I walk to the car. "Thanks, Si."

"Wow, didn't actually expect you to say 'Thanks'."

I flip him off. 

"There's my girl; thought I lost you for a second."

Why am I blushing so hard right now?


As we walk into the hospital, we see the receptionist filing her nails.

Deena rings the bell when the lady doesn't look up. Still, without lifting her head, the lady hands Deena a clipboard. "Fill these out and take a seat."

Deena pushes the clipboard back. "No, I'm just visiting."

"Visiting hours end at nine..."

My mind goes somewhere  else as they sort out how we're gonna get to Sam. 

"When are you gonna ask her out?" I overhear Josh ask. "What are you talking about?" Simon responds. "I think you know what I'm talking about."

"If you're talking about Auggie, there's nothing going on. She hates me. She's always hated me." He sounds almost hurt?

"Please, do you even realize the effect you have on her, man? For example, that nickname you call her. Auggie. Have you ever heard her let someone else refer to her by that?"


"Well, no. But that's just 'cause I've been calling her that since we were kids. And even if she did like me like that, I don't like h-"

scary love, s. kalivodaWhere stories live. Discover now