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Simon and I stack as much things as we can on top of the desk that's in front of the door so the scary killer with the axe can't come in.

Simon yells as the pounding gets stronger. "Could you maybe shut the hell up?!" I yell at him, pressing my hands against the door and using my entire body weight to keep it from opening. "Screaming is the only thing helping me keep my composure right now, woman!" Simon yells at me.

"Since when does fucking screaming equal 'keeping your composure'?!" I yell at him, way louder this time.

After bringing Sam back into the room, Josh sat her down and started explaining how only one person survived the massacre. I, on the other hand, got stuck with the job of building a barricade with this dumbass.

A much larger force hits the door this time, causing us to bang our heads on the door, and causing Simon to let out a loud scream. "Hey!" I yell at Kate, Deena, Josh, and Sam. "No rush, but I'm about to throw Simon out to this scarecrow so he shuts the fuck up!" I yell.

"Screw you!" Simon yells at me, another pound hitting the door. "You would!" I yell back.

"I got it!" Kate yells. "C. Berman! 9006 Brennan Way. This has gotta be her!"

I watch Deena run over to the phone as Kate gives her a phone number to call. 

The banging gets stronger. "Shit!" I yell, as my head hits the door hard. "Are you okay?!" Simon asks me. The door bangs again.

"I'm tubular, dude!"

An axe comes through the door right between Simon and I's heads. 

"This thing isn't gonna hold!" Simon yells as Kate runs over to us.

The dead guy keeps swinging his axe into the same spot before reaching his hand in the hole and grabbing my hair, causing my neck to get thrown back. 

"Get him off!" I yell at no one in particular as I try to grab my hair my from his hands to avoid it being ripped out. 

"Help!" Kate yells. The guy keeps on moving his hand back and forth and banging my head into the door. 

Simon grabs the man's arm to try and get him to stop but it only makes the situation worse. "Ouch, Si! Stop, please!" I yell, my head hitting the door again. 

Josh runs over to us and stabs the man in the hand with a pencil, causing him to let go of me. I feel light headed as I fall back onto Simon, letting him grab me and pull me off the table.

Josh and Kate step into the places Simon and I were just in as Simon puts my head into his lap and starts to talk to me.

His words don't really click, though.

"Si, things are getting blurry," I tell him, still not understanding what he's saying. "My ears," I groan, putting my hands up to them to try to get the sharp ringing noise to stop. "I don't feel good," I tell Simon.

All I feel before I see darkness is someone running their fingers through my hair.

a/n: short ass chapter, i know. also, FUN FACT: i've passed out multiple times, so i wrote the last part as well as i could based off of my personal experience. 

also, GET READY cause shits about to go DOWNNNNN

scary love, s. kalivodaWhere stories live. Discover now