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a/n: this chapter is a rollercoaster of emotions, have fun *smirky face*

"You're gonna feel like you're being fucked by a unicorn," is the first thing I hear as I wake up.

"Pile two is gonna bring your core temp way down. You may feel slightly sick. Now, you need to take a five-minute interval between pile two and pile three. That's really important, okay? Pile three brings you down and out so you gotta take that 'take five' or it's all gonna go to shit!"

I open my eyes and look up to see Simon standing above me. 

"How many of these do you have?" I hear Kate ask. "Tons. Like a thousand," Simon answers.

What if they're talking about condoms. 


"Wait. EpiPens?"


"Epinephrine, also known as adrenaline. This is what brings her back. This is Jesus!" Simon yells.

"Jesus?" I ask. Simon snaps his head down to look at me. He smiles. "Hey, sweetheart. How you feeling?" Simon asks as he crouches down to feel my forehead. I swat his hand away as I stand up. 

When I stand up straight, I immediately go back down, Simon catching me before I hit the floor. "Jesus, man. How much xanax did you give her?" Josh asks. 

"Xanax? Why'd you give me drugs?" I ask Simon, as he wraps an arm around my waist to prevent me from falling over.

"I don't know- like two or three maybe?" He tells Josh. "And you don't think one could of sufficed?" Kate asks. 

"Her anxiety gets super bad and I didn't want her to freak out about this plan, okay?" 

"What plan?" I ask as I lean into Simon, not in control of the way my muscles are moving. 

"No plan you need to worry about. You'll be with me the entire time," He tells me, and for some reason, I just can't find it in myself to care.

Simon sits me down in a chair as he and the others paint big red X's on their chests for whatever reason.

"Remember half an hour ago when you wanted to murder me?" Sam asks Kate. "I remember that!" I yell, sticking my hand up. "Kate, I love you more than I love 'Dancing Queen', but that was a bitchy move."

Sam ignores me and continues talking to Kate. "You don't have to do this. You can leave."

"Remember when you decided to sacrifice yourself for us?" Kate asks. "We're ending this together."

Simon puts his hand on Sam's shoulder. "Die well, my friend."

Die well?

What the fuck?

"What does that mean?" I ask. Simon avoids the question as he wraps his arm around my waist, helping me stand up and walk with him. "We got backdoor patrol," He tells Josh and I.

Josh starts walking over to us when he gets interupted. "Hey!" Kate yells. Josh turns around, only to have his lips greeted by Kate's. 

She separates them and starts walking to the front of the store. "I'll run interference up here," Kate says, before walking away and out of our sight.

My mouth hangs open as I process the scene that just unwravelled in front of me.

"Josh!" I yell, escaping Simon and attaching myself to the other boy. "You did it! I knew you could do it!" I yell, hugging him tight. He awkwardly pats my back before Simon prys me off of him.

scary love, s. kalivodaWhere stories live. Discover now