𝐟𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐜𝐫𝐚𝐳𝐲

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I help Josh stand up as C. Berman, Martin, and Simon run to my side. I hand the gun back to Martin, not wanting to accidently hurt anyone.

"Are you okay?" I ask Josh. He nods his head as he holds his stomach. "You are obviously not okay-"

I feel myself getting pulled into someone's chest by two big arms. "Fuck, Auggie. Don't scare me like that," Simon mumbles into my shoulder. I hug him back, squeezing him tight. "Sorry," I mumble.

He pulls back, a slight smile on his face. "You're not."

I return the smile. 

"I'm not."

Simon and I examine the space around us to find more killers in the building than before.

"We're fucked," Simon says. I roll my eyes. "You do realize that everytime you say we're fucked, we're usually not fucked, right?"

"How the fuck are we getting out of this, Auggie?" He asks me. I huff, not exactly knowing how to answer his question.

"I guess we pray to whoever-the-fuck that Deena finds a way to..." I trail off, making eye contact with one of the killers.

He's wearing a blue sweatshirt that reads 'Dallas Cowboys Football'. He's got on, what he used to like to call, his 'cool dad' sunglasses; My mom and I always made fun of him for it. And here he is, standing across from me- staring at me, like there's no one else in the room.

"Find a way to what, Auggie?" Simon asks me, staring out into the small crowd of killers. My breathing fastens and I see my vision start to blur from my tears. 

"Yo," I hear Martin say. "Is she good?"

Simon looks at me, obviously confused, and his eyes quickly widen. "Hey, what's wrong?" He asks, holding my face with his warm hands. 

But I can't look at him. 

All I can look at is my dead father standing here, alive. My dead father who ruined my life.

My dead father who was... possessed?

I see Simon turn around, his eyes following to where mine rest. "Oh, fuck," I hear him mumble, pulling me close to him. The tears start to leave my eyes and I start hyperventilating as Simon holds me in his arms while C. Berman and Martin look confused out of their minds. 

"Shit," I hear Josh say, obviously seeing my dad stand across the room. "Simon, you need to get her out of here," I hear Josh whisper to him.

Simon runs his hand through my hair and hold me close against his chest as I softly cry, wetting his t-shirt.

In a strange way, though, I'm relieved. I'm relieved that the only thing that made him kill my mom was something supernatural, and that he's still the man I thought he was before he died.  

But seeing him here, it brings back a lot of feelings I thought I've moved on from.

I mean, who wouldn't get emotional seeing their dead dad alive?

"There's nowhere to go Josh!" Simon yells at the boy, frustrated, as the killers start to form a circle around us, coming closer.

Get it together, you emotional basket case.

I wipe the tears from my eyes and remove myself from Simon's arms, confusing him. 

"I'm not gonna die acting like a fucking wimp."

Simon sends Josh a worried glance and gently grabs my hand. "Expressing emotions doesn't make you a wimp, August. Are you sure you're okay?" Simon asks.

scary love, s. kalivodaWhere stories live. Discover now