22k special + clingy russia<3

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feast, my children!

germany yawned, squirming a little bit before leaning his head on his lover's shoulder, pulling himself closer to him. his legs curled around one of russia's thighs, basically half sitting on his lap.

"someone's clingy today," the taller murmured monotonously, but germany could detect the hint of playfullness edged in his voice.

"it's your fault for being so nice and cozy," he defended. what was he supposed to do? it was cold and raining, and the absolute tragedy of having to deal with it without cuddles was a burden he could not, and would not stand to bare.

russia just sighed and wrapped his arm around the german, letting the smallest smile slip when he heard germany's chirp of approval. his heartstrings tugged at that indescribably adorable reaction, and he simply couldn't help himself when he flung his other arm over to him and embraced him tightly, not noticing that he accidently shifted all of his weight over on the much smaller aryan, who barely managed to squeak; "waIT RUSSLAND YOU're gonna crUSH ME—" as they fell to a laying position on the couch.

russia's head ended up a little above germany's chest, the perfect space to nuzzle him, his arms still wrapped snugly around him. he closed his eyes contentedly for a moment and took the moment to feel himself practically melting.

germany giggled before rasping out his complaints about "not being able to breathe,", which the taller simply waved away. breathing was not of importance in a moment like this. plus, he deserved it after he made russia go through a whole day of meetings at the office without even sitting next to him. what kind of cruelty was that? absolutely horrible and brutal. he wouldn't wish that fate on anyone. well, except maybe america, but that was besides the point.

his excuse was that 'it would be a distraction to both of them, and it's unprofessional in a workplace'. bullshit! how would he be able to hold his hand under the table if they weren't sitting next to each other? oh, the agony of having to sit all day with no soft, gentle fingers to lace his own with, no leg to 'accidently' brush his thigh with, making the latter blush, nobody to pass notes saying both 'xaxaxaxa ur gay))' and 'i love you and you're doing amazing <3'.

finally, germany's hands found their way to his and netted them together, the other one reaching for his messy white hair and playing with it, massaging his scalp gently. russia hummed happily, burying his nose deep into his chest and inhaling his familiar scent.

"i thought you said i was the clingy one?"

"shhhhhhhh baby hushhhh shhh" the russian said lazily. "we do not speak of the past," he whispered dramatically, blowing a raspberry.

germany rolled his eyes and kissed the mop on top of his boyfriend's head, earning another happy little noise from the taller.

"will you sit next to me at work tomorrow?" russia looked at him, resting his chin on the other's chest as he gave his very best puppy eyes. the german looked torn between his precious work and his precious overgrown baby of a boyfriend. seeing this, russia immediately put more effort into his nagging, knowing he had a chance of winning this time. "пожалуйста, малыш (please, baby)? i'll give you a kiss if you say yes~,"

"oh," germany's gaze turned so soft, so soft and dreamy for a moment, before he looked down at him and smiled gently; "that's a hard deal to turn down,".

yeah theyre really gay sorry
incorrect quotes 😎😎:

germany: the recipe says to beat 3 eggs
russia: at what? arm wrestling?
germany: must be. i mean we're banned from hand-to-hand combat in the kitchen


germany and russia before they started dating: *hug!*
russia, an absolute simp: i like this a normal amount


russia: i swear the next person who says 'weird flex but ok' is going to lose their kneecaps
germany: preposterous boast, but alas


germany: *sends a voice message to russki*
russia, texting: im @ work rn is it urgent?
germany: no no dont worry just listen later
russia: *presses play*
germany's voice message: THERES A FIRE—


russia: *flirting w ger*
germany: *actually flirting back*
germany: ???
russia: i don't know what to say. i didn't think i'd get this far


germany: im angry at you
russia: im angry at you too
germany: lets give each other some space
russia: good idea
germany: *gets off russia's lap to sit next to him on the couch*
*theyre still holding hands*
belarus, ultimate third wheel: is this a joke?


germany: ugh this is so hard!
russia: you know what else is hard? ;)
germany: the book i'm about to hit you with


russia: i only feel one emotion and its ANGER
germany: last night you texted me 243 heart emojis
russia: out of ANGER


russia: *loses ger in the grocery store*
russia (to employee): excuse me have you seen my boyfriend????
russia: pretty eyes, abt this tall
russia: clearly my future husband but we haven't had the talk yet


russia: i want to wake up with you for the rest of my life
germany: i wake up at 4am to work
russia: i want to go to bed with you for th—


russia: i swear whoever took my favorite hoodie is gonna—
germany: *walks in wearing russia's favorite hoodie*
russia: —go on a date with me <3


belarus: you love him, don't you?
russia: ....
bela: you know it's not worth hiding it from me. i see how your face lights up when he's around. how hard you laugh at his smartass remarks. how you always stare at him when he's not looking.
russia: i don't—
bela: just accept that you're head over heels for him already. it's a pain to see you pretend you're not.

sijnsdjiocsdfjma alright thats it
hope u enjoyed
ily and have a good day! <3

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