1 | college bois in bar

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🇩🇪: male
🇷🇺: male
mostly fluff, mentions of smut
requested by @_MiroTho

it was a cold day.

very cold, by the standards of someone who was not used to such a climate.

for russia, however, this was not a problem. he knew how to dress accordingly for the freezing temperatures, and if he did get cold; he knew how to handle it. the russian sat alone in his shared dormitory, awaiting his roommates. well, mostly for one roommate, he didn't care too much about the other's whereabouts.

it's not like he had a crush on him. on second thought, he probably did, but that's a fact that would never be said out loud. with all fairness, it was very hard not to be attracted to him; with those enchanting baby blue eyes, russia's favorite color. it was as if they were made just for him. and oh, that little twinkle they had when he talked about something he liked, just thinking about it melted his heart. however, to someone who wasn't paying attention, his eyes were rather deceiving. it was not rare for them to seem cold and stern, boring straight into your soul.

but, russia couldn't bring himself to even notice that, he was too distracted by how pretty they were.

he loved every bit of him; from his wavy hair that was always somehow tidy, to his over-the-top dress shoes, and beyond. not to mention his ass — he really liked his ass.

russia mentally slapped himself. this should not be the type of thing he thinks about.

the point is, is that germany was perfect. not only in his looks, but he was also frighteningly smart. he was a natural tactician, and it never failed to amaze russia how clever he was with, well, everything. he had a good heart too, the russian could tell. he always did everything in his power to convince others that he was not like his father. no, he was better. he was kind, even though he didn't show it too often. he had compassion, which already proved a difference between him and his father.

he was so fucking cute.

russia just wished he could tell him. he was terrible with words. he always fumbled around and got angry and made a mess. he's just...not that type of person. if he could find a way to admit to his crush that he liked him, everything would be so much better. he thought of germany in one of his hoodies, and he cried out in agonisingly loving pain.

"russ? you good bro?" slovakia came out from his room to check on his roommate, only to find him wailing on the couch. the shorter slav snorted. russia was such a drama queen, although he would never admit it.

he saw the tall country immediately shut his mouth and look at him with wide eyes. "you're home???"

"yeah, dumbass, where did you think i was?"

russia shrugged. "i just assumed you were out or at the library or something,"

it was reasonable; they were all stuck in college, unfortunately studying and actually doing things.

"where are the others?" the taller asked.

   "the bar downtown. you know the one?" russia nodded. "if you're wondering, germany is there getting drunk as shit with the boys, might wanna get to him before somebody else does," he smirked. of course, slovakia knew about his crush on the tricolored country. despite russia being skilled at hiding emotions, slovakia knew him well enough to spot his subtle nervousness around germany.

    "what do you mean, 'before someone else does'," he shot up and furrowed his eyebrows.

   "you know exactly what i mean. finland, america, and poland are all there, go get him before they do," slovakia winked. russia blushed furiously before grabbing his boots and winter jacket and running out to his car. not even a word of thanks, sheesh.


"and iiiiiiiieeeeiiiiiiii, will always LOve yUooOoo," the entire bar sang out, filling the building with voice cracks and maniac laughter.

the door burst open, a distraught and abnormally tall russian standing through the door and desperately searching for a certain black, red, and golden face.

there he was. his little angel, laughing drunkenly with his best friend, japan, as she told him some story about who knows what. he quickly ran to him and said the first pick up line that came to his mind.

    "are you an asteroid? 'cus you're out of this world." he smiled smugly, knowing this would do the trick. germany started blushing and opening his mouth and then closing and again, blinking drunkenly and adorably.

    "-not all asteroids are outside of earth though," he slurred confusedly while russia rolled his eyes and picked him up onto his shoulder. "there's a reason dinosaurs dont exist anymore, russland—,"

    "know-it-all. be quiet, you're coming with me, we're going home," he picked him up and placed him on his shoulder.

    "but russland, it's so coldddd," he whined when he realized his companion was taking him out of the bar.


    "i'm not cute. i'm an asteroid. you think asteroids are cute? weirdo!" he looked at him, brow raised in amusement. drunk germany was certainly something.

    "i think you've drank enough today,"

   "says you," germany snorted grumpily.

    "that's a fair point," russia answered simply. the walk to russia's car was slow and annoying. after a few minutes of silence, the slav finally said something. "how would you feel if i kissed you?"

"i'd feel like an asteroid. haha, get it? cus i would feel out of this world?" he hiccuped, laughing to himself, not even realizing that he reused russia's line. the taller put him down and looked at him intensely, before cupping his face in his hands and leaning down.

at first germany didn't know what this weird soft warm thing on his lips was, but after a minute he realized it was another pair of lips - russia's. he blushed insanely, eye's widening as his rational brain returned momentarily. russia was kissing him?? the russia?? he wasn't quite sure what russia thought of him, but he certainly wasn't expecting this.

out of pure impulsivity and overwhelming attraction, germany kissed back, his eyes closing comfortably and melting into russia's hold. the latter's eyes widened in glee, before picking the shorter country up, skillfully wrapping his arms around his torso so that he could run back to the car without breaking the kiss.

timeskip - the next day

     "russland, this is your fault!" germany exclaimed angrily. "i won't be able to fucking walk for a week because we just had to fuck in your fucking car. would it really have been so hard to find a bed somewhere? and what if people notice???"

     "so what if people notice?" russia asked innocently, giving puppy eyes. germany huffed, dramatically looking away. "was it okay though?"

     germany sighed. "yes, but i think you already knew that," before pulling the taller into his arms, cuddling him while the latter hummed softly in his grip. "you're really cute, you know that?"

      russia snorted.

     "you're also a big ass  teddy bear,"

     "yes, don't ever mention it again," he said, the softness leaking through his tone completely overwhelming the word's malice.

      germany giggled, and the larger country wrapped his arms around germany's waist affectionately, resting his head in his lap comfortably.

     "we should do that again sometime," he murmured.

     "yeah. but not before i can operate my legs again," germany pointed out. russia smirked, proud of his work as he shifted slightly to look at the red marks littered on his chest, though almost completely covered by russia's stolemmhoodie. not only did he take away his partner's ability to walk, he also left evidence of it, and goddamnit he was happy about it.

1314 words
i'm sorry idk how to write smexy stuff
i tried 😭😭
hope you liked it tho <3

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