31 | smooth like vodka bottle

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🇩🇪: male
🇷🇺: male
inspired by pic above, ART NOT MINE (belongs to k_zerox_0)
fluff again woop woop
prosthetic!russia :D

      "россия? are you paying attention?" UN called again, snapping the abnormally tall country out of his daydrea—, thoughts.

      "да, да, я слушаю, тебя старый придурок (yeah, yeah, i'm listening, you old prick)," russia scowled, annoyed at UN, annoyed at himself for daydreami—, thinking, again, and especially annoyed at this damn meeting for wasting precious hours of his time about useless matters that don't even concern his country.

      UN frowned at the country's response, but nonetheless carried on with the topic of the meeting after an unneeded and very over dramatic clearing of the throat.

       russia's eyes wandered, surveying the large conference room. himself, germany, britain, france, ukraine, austria, czechia, and some other european countries were there. enough people to keep that lousy entity busy for a while, at least. his fingers fidgeted with some of the wires locked into his prosthetic arm.

      recently there had been some malfunctions with the artificial limb. it reacted way too slow than it was supposed to, and it made those awful squeaking noises when it moved, like nails on a chalkboard.

he blushed momentarily, knowing exactly who would know what to do - the same person he was thinking (NOT daydreaming) about only a minute or so ago.


      smart, clever, adorable einstein germany.

god, he could think about that country for hours on end with nothing else crossing his mind, because, well, there was just so much to him. and it certainly helped that the man was the one who had designed and built his arm for him, giving him a nice little excuse to visit him from time to time.

his mind unconsciously started to trail back to the aryan, and russia decided to let it slide this one time.

      "hi германия," russia panted, his chest going up and down at a rapid speed. it was quite clear that he was out of breath, most likely from his rush to reach the coffee shop in which his friend had requested to meet him.

"hey, russ," the latter giggled, and the slav couldn't help but notice the way his hand shifted to cover his mouth - most likely to hide his shark-like teeth; it was an old habit of his. he couldn't stop himself from seeing the way that his slim shoulders bounced slightly as he laughed, nor how his usually tame black hair finally allowed itself to fall into his face.


        this country would be the end of him.

        "what's with the big rush?" the shorter asked playfully, evidently trying to stop his big, crimson eyes from avoiding eye contact. it wasn't exactly something that he could control, but he still attempted to look professional. or rather, as professional as you could get when meeting an old friend at a tiny coffee shop.

"you called me here, did you not?" the slav grinned at his friend once he finally got a grip on himself, stabilizing his body by leaning on to the door frame of the small shop.

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