5 | russ is overprotective babie w anger issues

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🇩🇪: male
🇷🇺: male

    "stoppp," the country groaned, reluctantly fluttering his eyes open. the figure above him was a blurry mess to him, as he did not have his glasses. the creature was snuggling close to his chest, breathing in his smell of coffee and cinammon. "stop sniffing me, weirdo," he complained, attempting to shove away the other by placing his hand on his head and pushing him off.
    "but you smell so good," his companian whined, giving him puppy eyes. "and i bet you taste great too," he added, before leaning in and kissing him on the lips, but the shorter pushed himself away.
    "nuh uh, russ," he said sternly. "not with your stinky morning breath," he held his nose and waved his hand in the air to indicate his point.
    russia pouted, clearly upset with this answer.
    "don't give me that look,"
   russia sniffed like a child, and once again placed his chin on his lover's chest. the steady breathing was so soothing to him, he never wanted to leave the warmth and comfort of his arms. he felt a hand brush through his messy white hair, trying to untangle it. the russian was an active sleeper, which played a big role in the untidiness of his hair. rolling around all night and constantly waking up germany, looking for cuddles and attention, certainly did not help his case.
    the hands were soft and gentle, like, well....there wasn't anything else like it. the black tip of one of the hands combed through the hair, the other twirling the white substance playfully, rolling it up and watching his hair gradually get curlier. russia naturally had wavy hair, but his ushanka hid a lot of the fluffiness in it.
    surprisingly, russia was the dominant one in this relationship. but, he too, wanted attention, and was often clingy. he would never admit it though, his boyfriend would tease him about it forever. he of course, knew about this side of the abnormally tall country, but he decided to be nice and not damage his lover's high ego.
    as germany played with the russian's hair, the colder country snuggled closer to him, nuzzling his nose in the crook of his neck.
    "when was the last time you smoked, russland?" the german suddenly asked, disturbing the peaceful silence.
    "yesterday night," he mumbled, too lazy to get out of this comfortable position.
    "well that explains why you smell like cigerettes,"
    "weren't you the one who said smelling people is weird? лицемер (hypocrite)," germany sighed as he felt russia take a deep breath in and absorb his scent once again. "do you have work today, малыш (baby boy)?"
    "nein, liebling. it is sunday," the aryan replied.
    the taller's eyes widened as he shot up from his lover's chest, leaving the both feeling cold and craving each other's touch again. "really?!" he said excitedly.
   the grin on russia's face was so genuine and heartwarming that germany couldn't help but get up and tackle him with kisses and hugs. he gave little pecks that tickled russia all over. germany usually slept with a shirt, while russia did not. this gave the shorter an advantage as he planted kisses on russia's stomach, chest, neck, face, and finally lips.
   "i thought you said i was smelly," he smirked.
   the german rolled his eyes and muttered a 'shut up' as he got off his boyfriend and looked away.
   "it was a joke, ger, don't worry," the russian reassured. "well since you don't have work, we should do something today!" germany nodded in agreement, subtly smiling as he looked back at the man. "do you want to watch a movie? or, there's this café that just opened around the block!"
    the shorter tricolored country helped his boyfriend off the bedroom floor before answering; "let's go to that café! we can watch a movie in the evening or whatever,"
   russia nodded. "well we can't go out like this, though,"
   "agreed. i don't care what you wear, as long as you have a shirt on. Amerika might be in the area, if you know what i mean," germany answered. russ growled internally.
   he hated that american so much. he always followed the russian, trying repeatedly to humiliate him. not only, but he was a creep, too. it was quite clear that he had a crush on the tricolored country. they had a bad history as well, and the russian also knew his body was very well built and attractive, to say the least. in his personal opinion, only his german was allowed to see him without a shirt on.
    as he was thinking, he went to the wardrobe and randomly picked out a t-shirt, some adidas pants, a sweatshirt, and of course his famous ushanka. also his own morning routine took only around 5 minutes, his boyfriend's was much longer. the german cared very much about his public appearance, as he believed it impacted his reputation. as a pansexual, he also had great taste in fashion. but he especially cared about how his hair looked, that was the most important part.
    russia chuckled to himself, knowing that he would have to wait at least 45 minutes for germany to be ready, even though they were just going to a café around the street.


    the bell above the door jingled as it was opened, and the first thing he saw was the one person he hated most, but also the person he loved the most.
    but who was he with? germany. he was still dating the guy, and america couldn't figure out why. what's so special in germany that america doesn't have?
     nothing; that was his opinion. he suddenly smirked widely, grinning at the couple as he noticed russia snarl when he saw him. he waved his hand and beckoned them to come over to his table. after they refused, he frowned and just watched them order coffee and some pastries.
     "thank you" was said to the cashier from germany, and he watched him and russia find a seat on the opposite side of the café. if only he were in germany's position...


   "russland, please calm down," the german begged his boyfriend.
    the russian continued to glare at everything and everyone, one could practically see smoke fuming from his ears. "calm down? calm down?" he snapped at his boyfriend, watching the shorter flinch. he forgot to apologize. "germany. this man has been stalking me for more than a fucking month, repeatedly tried taking you away from me, and now he has the nerve to call me 'flaming hot'?"
    a few minutes before, the american had come up to their table and started shooting pick up lines at him, intentionally getting germany uncomfortable so that russia would see how weak he really is. the russian said nothing, just stood up and suddenly grabbed america by the collar of his shirt and gave him a big punch in the face. "i love germany, nobody else. fuck the fuck off, america" he had said.
   "russ," the aryan pleaded. "listen to me, please. he just wants a reaction from you. he wants to get you mad and see what happens." the german knew the real reason america had done that. but he knew it would just make russia angrier, and he had some unpleasant experiences with russia's impulsivity and aggression. "do you really want to give him that satisfaction, to know that he got to you?"
    the taller shook his head, finally allowing his lover to coach him out of the anger. "take a deep breath." he followed the instructions. "breath in, hold, and breath out. i'm here, it's okay. do it again a few times, alright?" germany held his hand tightly, noticing how the other's grip softened and calmed. he sighed out of relief. "good job, liebling, i'm so proud of you,"
    a kiss was planted on his cheek, right under the slav's prominent cheekbones. "thank you," he mumbled, and the german smiled softly as his response.
   "time for that movie?" the shorter suggested.
   "да," the other responded, before ruffling his boyfriends hair and saying his favorite words to use with germany.
   "Я тебя люблю (i love you),"
   "ich liebe dich auch (i love you too),"

1335 words
kind of rushed ahhh 😅
hope you enjoyed nevertheless
ngl i had no plot in mind i kinda just freestyled and i didn't proofread so i hope i didn't just publish 1335 words of shit :/
luv u guys 💖💖

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