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"Say goodbye to the old me,
We ain't friends anymore, you don't know me."
— NF.

Kevin sat patiently as he waited in his sister's favorite coffee spot. Logan was planning on taking advantage of her extended weekend off, and planned a detour to Seattle before flying home to Orlando. The sun was shining through the glass window, striking off the condensed glass holding Kevin's iced tea, and coming close to hitting his eyes as he read his book.

The brunette ignores the bell ringing above the door as it opens, turning the page on his book as he sips his drink.

"Hey, my favorite man." Kevin hears, looking up to see the grinning face of his chipper sister. It was a sight he hadn't really seen until she came back from Germany.

"Hi, Superstar." Kevin smiled, standing from his seat to hug his sister who was more than happy to return the gesture. "How was your flight?"

"It was good, but all this flying is gonna give me serious jetlag when I get back to Orlando." Logan huffed, before quietly thanking the waitress who placed her coffee on the table.

"So, how was the date?" Kevin asked, trying to hide his smile behind his glass as he sipped his iced tea.

"I hope you choke on the lemon slice." Logan grumbled, choosing to ignore her brother's hearty laugh. "It wasn't a date."

"Was it just the three of you?"

"Yeah..." Logan trailed off, unsure of where the inquiry was going.

"Was it at night?"


"At a nice restaurant?"

"Yes." Logan sighed.

"Did you dress nice for them?"

"...Yes," Logan grumbled.

"Then it was a date." Kevin grinned triumphantly.

"It wasn't a date. I was just catching up with old--"

"Girlfriends." Kevin cut in.

"Why do I bother trying to argue with you?"

"I don't know. You'll never win." Kevin shrugs as Logan's phone pings repeatedly. "Do you need to take that?"

Logan sighs, unlocking her phone and scrolling through her notifications. Rumors circulating due to a simple dinner with her exes.

 Rumors circulating due to a simple dinner with her exes

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"Is it true?" Kevin asks quietly. He would never want to admit it to her, because of how happy Logan has been since moving away from Seattle then back to Orlando, but he was starting to get used to his sister being on the same continent. He missed talking to her everyday. When she moved to Germany they barely spoke, but now that she's stateside the siblings have bonded again, and Kevin doesn't want to lose that.

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