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"Learn from everyone. Follow no one."

The three teens continued to watch the screen as post-game interviews took place. Last up was Logan, who was still grinning. Her brother Kevin watched on as happiness swelled in his heart. It had been years since he had seen his sister so happy, including when she dated Kelley. He always felt guilty, knowing that Logan's happiness played second fiddle to caring for Kevin. She was too stressed to be truly happy but now, she was genuinely smiling as she glanced to her bicep, the armband still proudly wrapped around her limb as players walked past the blonde behind the transparent sponser board Logan was standing in front of as she patiently awaited the questions.

"It's not the result you probably wanted," The woman starts as Logan softly nods along. "How does it feel to get back into the national team. It's been a while."

Logan sighs, "It feels great, we obviously would have preferred a win but it's always difficult playing against the States. I'm enjoying every minute with this team though, these are incredible women."

"You also seemed surprised by Sinclair giving you the captain's armband," The interviewer continues as Logan subconsciously glances at said band, "What exactly was going through your mind?"

Kevin chuckles as Kelley pops up behind the transparent board, making faces at the camera. The interviewer laughs, causing Logan to turn to see her ex acting a fool. The blonde slaps her hand on the board and Kelley flinches, clearly expecting the contact before glaring at the Canadian pro, blowing a kiss, and being dragged away by Krieger.

"Uh..what was the question?" The blonde chuckles before finding herself again, "Oh, right. I uh..I still don't know what went through my mind, I can feel the band on my arm but it still doesn't feel real. I haven't asked Sinc why she gave it to me, but it's the first thing I'll ask when I see her."

The interviewer laughs, "Well, you seemed to take it in your stride. It wasn't long before you were bossing everyone around. Do you think being a leader comes naturally to you?"

Kevin can't help but agree.

"I'm not sure," Logan quips before biting her bottom lip. "I've had a lot of luck in my career so far, to play under some amazing captains and mentors. Solo, Pinoe, Sinc and during my four years in Germany I played under Leupolz—"

In more ways than one, Kevin couldn't help but think.

"–maybe it comes naturally, I honestly couldn't tell you, but I've definitely been molded by some amazing leaders."

The interview ends and Logan wastes no time in getting into the locker room, making her way straight to Sinc who looks up at the younger woman with a small smile. Logan removes the armband from her bicep and holds it out for Sinclair.


The Canada captain stands, taking the band from Logan, "Why what?"

"Why me?"

By now the locker room is silent, even Jordyn and Jessie turn the background music off.

"Why not?" Sinclair smiles, and seeing no answer from the blonde, she continues, "We took a vote, that morning you were late for breakfast and walked into a silent room? A lot of the younger players don't know what you were like before you left for Germany, but some of us do remember and we couldn't be more proud of the improvment you've made. You work harder than anyone else, you deserve to be a captain."

The silence was deafening, Sinc and Scott look at one another, before a small round of applause reverberates off the walls of the locker room, and each member of the Canada team congratulates Logan.


Across the pond in England, two German national team players watch on with pride as their ex girlfriend grins, confidently wearing the captain's armband.

"Well, you owe me £10 and a date night," Melanie smiles as Leonie mutters incoherent words under her breath.

"You were getting date night anyway," the blonde smiles, resting her head on her girlfriend's shoulder. "She looks so happy."

"I know," Mel sighs, resting her head on top of Leo's. "She deserves it though. It's only a matter of time before she's wearing that armband, every game, for Orlando and Canada."

Leo smiles softly as Logan bites her lip during her interview, it always was her favorite trait of the Canadian, "I miss her."

Melanie wraps her arms around Leo's shoulders, pulling her closer in an attempt to comfort her despite the heaviness on her own heart, "I know. Me too."

The interview continues with Kelley showing up in the background, the German duo smiling at the small exchange between Logan and her ex. "Do you think they'll get back together?"

Despite both women wishing that the answer was no, and that Logan would come back to them, they both thought that the rekindling of the one-time relationship was inevitable.

"I just hope they'll be happy," Mel mutters softly, releasing a shaky breath while biting back tears.

"Do you think Kelley's thoughts on poly relationships will change?" Leo asked. The tone of her voice telling the brunette that her girlfriend was still angry about the way Kelley though Logan would cheat.

"The more she learns, yes." Melanie sighed, kissing Leo's temple.

"Maybe it's what she wants, to try it with Logan."

Melanie bites her lip, "I don't know. It's not for everyone."

They both missed Logan, longing for her to be theirs again, but they were mature. They knew Logan had things she needed to do, wrongs she needed to right. At the end of the day they wanted her to be happy, and if that means they're no longer dating the Canadian then so be it. But if it means that their blonde would get together with Kelley, then they would be their ex's fiercest protectors, and Kelley would be on the receiving end of one hell of a talk.

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