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"I've got a Sweet Little Angel,
I love the way she spreads her wings."
- B.B. King

Four Years Ago.

Arriving in Germany should have been an exciting time for the rookie, had it not been for the back breaking stress that she's endured for the past twenty-or-so years, thanks to a deadbeat father, a drunk of a mother and a dependent Kevin. Throw in a rocky relationship with Kelley, and it was clear that Logan was at breaking point - you know...if boarding a plane and fleeing to another country didn't already tell you that.

It wasn't the way she wanted her life to be. She wanted a steady home, a mother - even a father - who pulled weight and took care of their kids. She wanted an easy relationship, one that wasn't filled with miscommunication and nonsensical arguments. No matter how much she prayed for those things, they never arrived, and each morning she woke to find her life in the same shambles, the more Logan fought against it.

She didn't want to have to take care of Kevin. She didn't want those memories of his screams as he was taken away. She hated that she remembered every horrible detail of her life in Seattle, and she especially hated that they outweighed all the good in her life.

Which is why she doesn't remember Hope and Megan calling everyday after Kevin was taken from her. She doesn't remember that they would drive by her apartment when she finally scraped enough money together to get out of her mother's place. She doesn't remember Kelley dropping everything across the country to fly to Seattle and check on her. She doesn't even remember her mother sobering up - no matter how fleeting the moment.

So when she arrived in Germany her expectations were rock bottom. It didn't take a genius to notice, either. It didn't take a body language expert to take note of her slumped shoulders, her far too skinny figure, her head drooping forward as though she were about to fall over any second. Not to mention the forced smiles, the dullness in her usually sparkling eyes and the dark bags that accompany them, making them appear darker.

It was also why Melanie almost didn't recognize her. She almost walked right by Logan on her way further into the airport, but something inside her told her to take a second look, and she was glad she did. She was shocked - stunned, actually - but still wrapped the girl in a hug to welcome her to Munich.

"I didn't want you staying in a hotel, so I set up the guest bedroom in my apartment. You can stay with me however long you would like." Melanie glances at Logan before focusing on the road once more.

"No, no. That wouldn't be fair, you have a girlfriend, Mel. I can't invade your privacy like that."

"Don't be silly, Logan. I want you to stay with me. Leonie won't mind." Melanie continues, despite Logan's trepidation, until the blonde finally caves in.

The rest of the ride was silent, only broken by the quiet playing of music that Logan couldn't understand but she was happy the beat was catchy. It didn't take long for the duo to be back at Melanie's, and Logan's resolve to be absolutely independent was once again beaten down by the brunette who insisted on carrying one of her bags.

Once said brunette opened the door, she let Logan enter first, and the two were met by a mixture of smells wafting through the apartment from the kitchen. The sun had begun to set outside, and was replaced with candles that were spread throughout the apartment. Some with glass coverings when they couldn't be monitored for the entirety of their burning time.

"Is that you, Mel?" A voice called from another room, which Logan guessed was the kitchen if her nose was anything to go by.

"Yes, Logan's here, too!"

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