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"There were magnets in my bones for that iron in her blood."

Logan felt the blood drain from her face, betrayal knocking the wind from her lungs like a punch to the gut. She stared at her brother, her eye twitching in anger. She could hear a voice order a coffee before they made their way to the siblings.

"You couldn't have had this conversation with me alone?" Logan asked. "You had to get someone else to try and change my mind?"

Kevin gulped. He hadn't been the focus of his sister's anger for years, and he was deeply regretting his decision. 

"I thought it was a good idea." He mumbled. He certainly didn't think that now.

Logan sighed, before dropping her shoulder and pivoting in her seat to greet the intruder. She was surprised, it wasn't who she was expecting.

"My favorite Scott's!" Kelley smiled, sliding into the seat beside Kevin. 

"Kelley?" Logan blinked. "What are you doing here?"

Kelley glanced at Kevin, immediately coming to the conclusion that he had ambushed his sister. She could only assume that since he didn't tell Logan about her own arrival, that he didn't tell her that it's only about to get worse.

"I uh..." Kelley's words died on her tongue for a moment before she cleared her throat. "I'm here for you. I figured you could use a buffer."

"Buffer? What are you talking about?" Logan demanded. 

The blonde was at the end of her rope and her patience was thinning. Kelley felt guilty for showing up, but she didn't lie. She was here for Logan. She knew that Kevin still had unresolved anger that would cloud his judgment, and she knew where their next guests stood on the issue of Logan's mom wanting an organ from her.

"I believe she's talking about us." 

Logan's eyes snapped shut, her jaw clenching and her chest rising with the deep intake of air. She slowly exhaled, opened her eyes and caught the look of sympathy adorning Kelley's face. 

Kevin looked like he wanted to bury himself in a hole and never leave. That actually sounds like a good idea Logan thought.

The blonde Scott stood and turned around. "Melanie. Leonie." 

There was a moment of silence where all three women stood their ground. The two German's keeping their gaze on Logan and Logan glancing between the two. Kevin and Kelley were watching the three closely, before the younger Scott stood to his feet to greet the Germans and break the rising tension.

"Leo!" Kevin grinned, though he was so uncomfortable it came out as a grimace. "Melly!"

Kelley watched with a genuine smile as the two women embraced the teenager. She noticed that Logan wore a similar smile, but it quickly vanished when Kevin finally finished hugging the Germans.

"Did you call anyone else?" Logan asked Kevin. She was trying to delay the conversation for as long as possible.

"No." Kevin sighed.

"Hi Kelley." Melanie smiled. "It's nice to see you again."

No one was expecting it, based on the confused frowns on Logan, Kelley, Leo and Kevin's faces, but Mel confidently stepped to Kelley and pulled the American into a bone crushing hug.

"It's nice to see you too?" Kelley asked, awkwardly patting Melanie's back until the brunette pulled away to walk back to Leo with a bright smile on her face.

What the fuck is happening? Logan asked herself. I'm gonna need another coffee.

The group sat down and waited for Logan to follow suit.

"I'm gonna get another coffee." Logan frowned. Her mind was still replaying the hug that Mel and Kelley exchanged. As far as she knew, Kelley didn't end her last encounter with the couple on great note.

"No, it's okay." Mel smiled. "We ordered for you."

"So there's no delaying this. Great." Logan sighed. 

The blonde sat next to Kelley, the O'Hara woman wedged between the Scotts, across the table from the happy Melanie and suspiciously quiet Leonie. 

"No, there's not." Mel chuckled. "But I don't want you to feel backed into a corner so I asked if Kevin could reach out to Kelley."

"Why would that help?" Logan asked. Kelley wanted to know, too.

"It's obvious, is it not?" Leo finally spoke.

Logan glanced at Kelley to see that she was just as confused, the blonde shrugged. "I guess not." 

"She would fight for you. She continues to do so." Leo cast a quick smile in Kelley's direction. "She won't allow you to feel bullied."

"We don't want you to feel like that either." Melanie interrupted, placing a hand on Leo's knee. "We've had time to calm down and we have come to realize that it is your decision."

The talking stopped as the barista brought over a tray of drinks. Kevin scooping up his usual iced tea. 

"You got my order right." Kelley said. She was immediately confused. In fact, the entire experience confused the hell out of her. Especially when Mel simply continued to smile at her.

"We had help." Leo chuckled. Kevin immediately lowered his head.

Choosing to get back to the point, Mel continued. "We want you to know that what was said in anger and frustration is not how we feel."

Leo smiled as Mel leaned over the table to place her hand on Logan's. "Mel's right. I'm sorry. I should have let you speak freely and no matter what you choose to do, I'll be by your side."

Mel caught Kelley's eye. "I believe we all will."

Am I over exhausted or am I suddenly fifth-wheeling it? Kevin thought as he glanced from Logan and Melanie's hands, to the looks exchanged between the brunette German and Kelley, and the fact that the over-protective Leonie wasn't complaining at all.

"I think I've decided what I want to do." Logan spoke quietly. "I think I want to help her."

There was a collective unease about the decision. Everyone was worried about Logan giving her mother an organ, including the blonde herself. There was risks, but no one stood to leave. They all stayed. They would continue to stay, and Kevin would continue to be confused about Logan's ever developing love life.

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