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"Opportunity does not waste time with those who are unprepared."
-Idowu Koyenikan

The sun was shining down on the players as they went through their warm ups before kick off. Trainers from both teams put the players through their paces, preparing their bodies for the game.

Spectators slowly began to find their way into the stadium, making their way to the seats, most with refreshments in hand, shades on and some little kids with caps donning the crest of the team they're cheering for, their little smiles outshining the mid-afternoon sun.

"It will be an interesting match up today, folks. We get our first competitive look at Logan Scott, number 16 for Orlando," The drab commentator annouces to audiences in the comfort of their own homes as the camera gets a close up of Logan as she stretches alongside Alex Morgan and Dani Weatherholt. "It's no big secret that the young player has received a mixed welcome back to the States. What are your thoughts on you ex-teammate, Hope?"

The camera cuts away from Logan to show Hope Solo sitting beside a rather smug pundit in a suit, the footage of Logan warming up continues to play behind the ex-goalkeeper.

"I'm getting tired of that talk," Hope starts, "She was a rookie when she made that choice, she's grown into an incredible player that Orlando are lucky to have, and quite frankly I wouldn't even call her choice a mistake. It wasn't the best way to leave a team, of course not, but look at how she's flourished - back to back titles, cups and individual awards in Germany."

"So are you saying that she should be forgiven simply because she was a rookie?" The smug co-host asks, trying to get a rise out of the tall woman known for her aggressive on-field temper which recently spilled into the boardroom and post-game interviews.

"No, I'm saying that you have to take all the facts into account. We've all done stupid things when we're young-"

"Yes, some of us when we're adults and old enough to know better," The man cuts her off, very obviously drawing attention to Hope's rant after a certain game with Sweden and the subsequent aftermath.

There's a tense silence in the small studio as Hope stares at the man, who suddenly seems scared.

"The important thing is that we learn from those mistakes, and be mature enough to admit to them. Which Logan is." Solo replies, emphasizing her ex-teammate's name before looking back at the camera and smiling before the footage cuts to an ad break.

"That guy is a tool," Kevin flippantly observes while sitting with a few high school friends at his home which Clarissa works in her "office" which is just the kitchen.

The Royals stand in line waiting for the Pride players to join them before walking out. The team clad in purple leave their locker room in single file.

"Nervous?" Alex asks, patting Logan's shoulder as she stands behind the slightly shorter girl.

"Yeah," is all Logan says.

"Because of the game, or because of Kelley?" Alex queries, smiling innocently when Logan peers over her shoulder to glare at the US international.

"You got this," Amy whispers to Kelley as she sees the opposition line up beside them. ARod looks at Logan as the girl glares at Alex. "Just don't hurt her. I like her."

Kelley delivers the same kind of glare to Amy as Logan had to Alex, completely ignoring the chuckle of Press standing in front of her.

"I like her, too." Christen utters, as Becky also echoes the statement.

"I hate you all." Kelley groans, pushing all thoughts of Logan out of her head as the teams begin to walk out to the field.

"Well, one last question for our guest here," The smug pundit motions to Hope who uses her well used game face to stop herself rolling her eyes as the co-host continues to speak, "Who do you think will win today? I'm sure you have a few friends on each team."

"Pride, duh," Kevin mumbles from home as he studies Hope. He wasn't as close to her as he was with Kelley but he knew the 'keeper had a huge influence on his sisters career, and a hand in keeping her safe. For that he was thankful, and protective when the smug idiot would slyly suggest things about Hope's mistakes. He tosses some popcorn in his mouth and sits back on the loveseat with his friend.

Choosing to remain professional Hope picks her words wisely, "It's a difficult game to predict. Both teams have a wealth of experience both on the field and on the subs bench. There's a few rookies that may get their chance to add a little something new to the game. It all depends on whose day it is."

"Great. The anthems are done, and the rest of the boring stuff," the co-host mutters, smiling at the camera while Hope remains stoic, clearly not impressed. "Let the game begin."

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