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Clear The Air Pt II

The tension rose immediately as the words left Kelley's mouth. Logan wasn't surprised, she knew it was something she would have to deal with head on, she just hadn't expected it to be the first question to be asked by Kelley.

"I had to get out," Logan mumbles before clearing her throat in hopes of finding better words; the right words. "I mean...I love Seattle, it's always gonna be home, but I just felt trapped. I had to leave."

"But to Germany?" Kelley asks, trying not to take Logan's words personally.

"I admit it's dramatic," the younger girl chuckled humorlessly. "But I spoke with Mel and it felt right? I know it's not much of an explanation but it felt like it was where I was supposed to go next."

"What was it like?"

Logan studies Kelley before answering, she knows there's other implications in her question, "It was different. A good different. I think I needed it, I was always looking after Kevin and helping my mom with her problems that I didn't even notice that I had basically adopted those issues. I got to learn who I really was, without any pressure from anyone else that I knew."

"Including me?" Kelley asked, only to be interrupted by the waiter removing the now cleared plates.

"Don't take it the wrong way, but yes." Logan answered, noticing the hurt expression on Kelley's face. "I knew that if I stayed I would just run back to you."

"Would that have been so bad?"

"Not for me," Logan replies before sipping on her water. "I would be with an amazing woman, but you? You would be with someone who was a mess, who was unstable...someone who didn't even know herself."

The two decided on dessert, welcoming the interruption for similar reasons. The deep conversation was taking a toll. Logan was glad she was finally being honest with Kelley; while Kelley was beginning to wish she hadn't invited her ex for dinner at all.

"My turn," Logan quips, "how did you meet Sarah?"

It was Kelley's turn to study Logan, "Oh. We don't have to talk about her."

"Why not?"

"Uh, I'm not dating her anymore," Kelley mumbles, suddenly feeling small but hoping that Logan would be relieved.

"That's a shame. She's pretty cool." Logan chuckles as Kelley's confused expression is priceless. "So what went wrong?"

"I just realized that she wasn't what I wanted", Kelley answered as honestly as she could. "I wasn't around her much, it wouldn't work."

"So, I know you don't know this, but I spoke with Kevin a few times a week when I was gone," Logan hints, and based on the paling of Kelley's face, the hint takes.

"Oh God, he told you I was basically stalking him for info on you?!"

"I wouldn't call it stalking," Logan chuckles, smiling when Kelley laughs. "It was sweet though."

"I wouldn't have had to stalk the poor kid if you didn't block me from everything."

"Ouch," Scott grimaces, finishing her water, hoping for an out. It doesn't come, ironically the waiter is nowhere to be seen. "I know I handled it all wrong. If I could do it all again, I–"

"Would?" Kelley grins, seemingly settling into the conversation with her ex despite the seriousness of their topics.

"...I wanna say no," Logan smiles, "But I probably would. You know me, I only learn the hard way. If it helps I blocked Hope, Megan...pretty much most of the Reign team when I left. But I was terrified Hope would hunt me down so I unblocked her."

Logan watches in awe as Kelley collapses into a fit of laughter, it was almost like old times. There was definitely a different dynamic between the two now. Kelley wasn't the one to always take the lead, and Logan wasn't the shy rookie anymore.

"Okay, there is something I want to know," Kelley seems to sober up. "Did you date?"

Almost as if on cue, the waiter appears with their dessert orders, refilling Logan's water before leaving.

"Uh, yeah." Logan answers quickly before drinking more water. "I was gone for a few years."

"Who was it? Guy or girl?"

Logan's confusion wasn't hidden as she watched Kelley eat a small piece of her dessert, not breaking eye contact with her ex.

"It was a woman. Actually it was kinda two women."

"Well, you were gone for a few years, dating more than one–"

"No," Logan chuckled nervously, the first time she seemed anything other than sure of herself since she sat down for dinner. "It was at the same time."

There was silence between the two as Logan basically chugged her water until her cup was empty. She felt uncomfortable under Kelley's questioning look. It wasn't a glare, but it wasn't amusement, and because she couldn't quite place what it was, Logan began to squirm.

"You mean you were in a polyamorous relationship?" Kelley finally asks as she sips her wine. She was genuinely interested, impressed and more than a little jealous.

"Yeah," Logan exhaled, "So you and Sarah, huh?"

Kelley laughed at Scott's attempt to change the subject, the attempt failing miserably.

"We don't have to talk about this if you don't want to. It's just not something you hear everyday."

Logan sighs again, "I guess. It's not that different."

"Who were they?"

"Mel and Leo."

There's another silence, though this one isn't awkward, it's comfortable as the waiter clears the table and leaves the bill. Both women debate on who will pay, and eventually decide to split it.

It was another debate when the two leave the restaurant walking side by side, so close that their hands brushed against one another's. Logan wanted to wait for her Uber back to the hotel she was staying at with her Pride teammates, but Kelley was insistent that she drive her ex back for 'peace of mind'.

"Thanks for driving me back," Logan smiled at Kelley from the passenger seat as the car pulled up outside the hotel.

"Thanks for finally agreeing to let me," Kelley smiled as Logan laughs.

There was one last awkward moment, neither woman knew what to do, Kelley especially conflicted. It wasn't a date afterall, so what are the guidelines?

A soft kiss to her right cheek pulled her from her thoughts, "You were panicking," Logan chuckled. "Good night, Kel."

"'Night, Lo." Kelley grinned like a kid on Christmas as she watched her ex get out the car, walk to the entrance to the hotel before turning to wave goodbye to Kelley. O'Hara didn't drive off until Logan was inside the hotel.

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