Chapter One

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"Mom... I don't know what to do. I'm sorry. I've let you down..." You were sitting on a chair in a plain, white hospital room, your mom laying motionless on the bed next to you. She was in an artificial coma.

"I can't afford the operation, I have no job at the moment and...and-" Tears started streaming down your face and you laid your head on your mom's hand.

"I don't wanna lose you..."

Your mom had a brain tumour and it was growing quickly. There was no way she would live for long. Only an operation done by the best doctor there was could save her. But such an operation was way over your financial possibilities. Dr. Stephen Strange was his name. You had read a bit about him when you found out that he could save your mother. He had a car accident a long time ago that caused him severe nerve damage in his hands, forcing him to lay his career on ice. But he somehow got his hands back and was now back on track. Stronger than before. He was now more famous and richer, and he was quite handsome. His dark brown hair, so dark you could confuse it with black. White strands of hair that made him look a bit older, but not in a bad way. On the contrary. You found the change of no facial hair to a goatee very successful. He owned multiple hospitals and was the best neurosurgeon there was, with a success rate of 100%. But he was expensive. Too expensive.

You were quietly sobbing next to your mother, knowing that she couldn't be saved. At this moment, the famous doctor walked past your room and looked through the small window of the door. He looked at the file at the end of the bed, remembering which patient this was. Then he looked at you. He knew you couldn't afford him and at first, this case had been closed for him, but no one had told him that this woman was the mother of such a sweet girl... He smirked to himself, liking the idea in his head. Then he continued walking.


Someone knocked on the door, then opened it. A nurse walked in and you lifted yourself up when you also saw him enter the room. He took the file from the bed and looked at it. You didn't understand what was happening.

"Ehm. What is going on?"

Dr. Strange looked at you, then at the nurse. "Leave us, please."

The nurse left.

You watched her leave, confusion written all over your face.

"I'm Doctor Stephen Strange and I will perform surgery on Mrs. Y/l/n." He seemed very distinct.

"There must be a misunderstanding. We have no way to pay for this surgery-"

"I am well aware of your financial situation, Ms. Y/l/n."

"So why do all this?"

He cleared his throat. "Let's talk about this in a... more private location."

"Eh. Okay?"

What was that all about?

"There is a café next to the hospital. Let's talk there after my shift is done."



"So, let me repeat that real quick to see if I really understood it right: YOU want to pay for the surgery YOU will perform?"

"Exactly," he simply responded like it was nothing.

You couldn't believe what was happening. You were sitting in a café with him. He was ready to do this surgery and he was wearing a suit that had a strange effect on you. Although, the second thing wasn't that important but worth mentioning.

"Why do this for free?" you asked, focusing on him and not his suit.

The doctor leaned back in his chair, stretching the shirt under his jacket and making it look like the buttons would rip off any second now. His chest was majestic...

Paid Love (Dr.Strange x reader)Where stories live. Discover now