Chapter Fifteen

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"During surgery, Dr. Strange realized that her tumor had been way more advanced. It hadn't shown properly on the scans. There's nothing we could do for her. Weren't you informed by Doctor Strange?"

You felt a hand touch your shoulder. "Y/n." A quiet, deep voice called your name from behind.

"Don't you dare touch me!" You exclaimed loudly, shoving his hand off your shoulder. Stephen backed off as you turned abruptly.

He saw your eyes, watery and filled with anger. "Listen-"

"No. Just- Back off!" You pushed him on your way to the exit. You needed air. Immediately.

The two women at the reception looked at Stephen and he looked at them when he turned his attention from your angry leaving form to theirs. He could see the confusion in their eyes and -God- he could already imagine the chit-chat going through the whole hospital the next few days.

"Did you hear? A woman came into the hospital asking for her mother and she had already died. Doctor Strange should have informed her but she didn't know apparently."

"She was so angry at Doctor Strange. There's definitely something personal going on there."

"The poor women though... It was an asshole move from him."

"Why didn't he tell her?"

"He should've told her."

Stephen gave the two a polite smile before, he too, stormed outside the hospital.

"Y/n!" He shouted but you were long gone.

"Fucking hell..." he cursed under his breath. "Y/N!" He shouted one more time. Louder this time.

It was starting to rain, and if it wasn't for the lights coming from the building and the moon, it would be dead dark.

"Fuck... Where is she?!" He looked all around the place, running in different directions, not minding that his suit was soaked wet by now.


You were running with your heels in your hand. God, it was like in those k drama series but this was real and you wondered how people could run like this -Like damn, your feet hurt like hell.- Every little stone was torture. But nothing hurt more like the pain you felt in you. The tears on your face mixed themselves with the droplets of water coming from the sky. Your mascara was running and you and your dress were soaked from head to toe but that was the least of your problems. You passed a few blocks before slowing the pace, feeling like you were far enough, changing to a walking pace. The dress was getting heavier like your heart. You didn't care if anyone could hear your loud, ugly cries, because -fuck it- you had just lost your mother, and the person you thought you could trust had kept it a secret.

"There you are!"

You let out a yelp as you felt yourself being pushed into a side alley and onto a wall. It took you a minute for your eyes to adjust to the darkness but when they did...

"Dylan!-" He held a hand over your mouth, keeping you silent. You struggled and tried everything to shout. As loud as you could. But who could possibly hear you? This was a very empty neighborhood. There was no reason for anyone to come here. Especially not at this hour.

"You didn't think I would leave you alone, did you?" You saw him smirk, now you would give anything to be back in that restaurant, despite being lied to. "I bet you're wondering how I found you." You had been more preoccupied with the thought if you were going to survive this but that too was a question you wondered about.

"God, your mother's death couldn't have come at a better time. I just waited outside the hospital. And when I saw you running outside. I followed you."

Even he knew- You felt something cold on your throat. A knife. When you realized you tried to yell again but they only came out as little squicking noises under Dylans hand.

Paid Love (Dr.Strange x reader)Where stories live. Discover now