Chapter Two

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Dr. Strange was surprised to see you again. Although, you were only visiting your dying mother and not him, so that wasn't such a surprise after all.

But when you saw him enter, you looked him instinctively in the eyes and he noticed something was different. You made a few steps towards him, only now noticing his height. He looked down at you and then behind you, seeing a suitcase.

„I thought it would be practical to have a few things at your place. Don't understand it the wrong way, I'll sleep at my place. But it's always good to have a few things in case of emergency." Your face stayed straight, only his face showed a little smile.

„I'm happy you came to the right conclusion." He looked at his watch then back at you. „My shift is nearly done. Why don't you wait outside at the entrance? I'll pick you up. Then we can discuss further arrangements."

You nodded and he left. You turned back to your mother and kissed her forehead softly. „Don't worry, it'll be alright. There is nothing I wouldn't do for you." You took her hand and gave it a comforting squeeze.

Stephen was outside watching you. He had heard and seen everything and was showing a sort of sympathy. Then he cleared his throat, going back to his work.


Of course, he had an expensive sports car. How could you have not thought about this? This car was probably pulling all the attention on you. He came out of the car, again wearing a suit, and put your luggage in the trunk. He opened the door for you. The only thing you wanted to do right now, was to disappear, but you smiled and sat in the car instead. He sat into the driver seat, turned the engine on and drove away.

You shifted uncomfortably in your seat and he noticed.

„Are you okay?" He put one hand on your thigh while the other one was on the steering wheel. You assumed this was an attempt to comfort you. It didn't.

„We should be completely honest to each other you said, right?" you asked.

„Yes." he responded with his eyes fixed on the road.

„So tell me, do you do this often?"


„You know what."

„You won't believe me when I tell you it's the first time, right?"

„I'm not dumb."

„That's what I thought... Let's talk about other things first. You may call me Stephen."

„I think Strange is more suitable."

He looked at you with a questionable look.

„I think it just tells exactly how you are and it's your name, so," you responded.

He chuckled and asked: „And how may I call you?"

„Y/n, I guess."

„Hmm. I will find other names to call you, believe me. But for now, this will do."

„So, Strange..." He gave you a look. „How does this work?" you asked.

„You tell me what you want and I give it to you and in exchange, I get your company."

„So if I wanted a castle-„

„I would buy it for you."

„Bullshit." You laughed.

He parked the car on the side of the road and grabbed your chin forcing you to look at him.

„Excuse me?" His stare was dead serious. "I'm not going to tolerate such language."

Paid Love (Dr.Strange x reader)Where stories live. Discover now