Chapter Twenty

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"I'm glad you decided on opening up. I'm sure, it must have been a difficult step for you to make."

"It was. But I feel a bit better now, having shared this with you." You put the used tissue into the bin your therapist had put on the floor close next to you as soon as you had started crying. Opening up to her had forced you to go back in time, reliving moments you had sworn to yourself to hide deep back in your head and never think of it ever again. But that wasn't how things worked.

She smiled at you softly. "You've been very brave." Then she looked down, opened her mouth to say something, but then decided otherwise. But after a moment, she seemed to have changed her mind because she then said: "I wonder what made you have a change of heart." Her hesitation of earlier gave you the feeling she already knew the answer to her own question.

"Well..." You didn't know what to say.

"Or maybe who?" Oh, she definitely knew.

You looked up and that was all she needed to certify her thesis. She smirked for an instant then retrieved her composure. She surely hoped you hadn't seen it. But you did. She clicked on her pen, readying herself to write once more. "I've been wanting to talk to you about him as well. As it seems he has become an important part of your life."

With him she obviously meant Stephen.

"I wouldn't put it like that..." you answered, shily.

"How did you two meet exactly? How does it come that you, who has lived through so much, moved into a man's house, you barely know, in such a short time?"

"..." That was a good question indeed.

"For how long have you been knowing Stephen? About 5 maybe 6 months? Correct?" She continued when she realized you weren't going to answer.

You nodded.

"Since I know Stephen personally, I know for a fact that he represents no danger to you. But I presume you know this kind of situation could've ended badly?"

Yes. Yes, it could've. As a woman, you have to be constantly on your guard. Whether it's in a bar, at a train or bus station, or even at work. Basically, you had to be careful everywhere. "I had nothing to lose."

"So, you're telling me you were fully aware of the dangers and consequences during that time?"

"At that time I only had my mother in mind."

"Your mother? How does she have anything to do with that?" Your therapist adjusted her glasses.

"I wanted to help her."

"By moving into a stranger's place?" Your therapist frowned, showing you she didn't understand your reasons. You had to admit, it sounded better in your head.

This is when you noticed, you were close to breaking one of the rules of the agreement. Tell no one about the agreement. So you kept quiet, afraid you would say something you would regret later on.

She sighed. "Let me ask a different question, then... How does he make you feel?" At that, you simply had to avoid her gaze. "You stayed with him so I guess he makes you feel some type of way. Is it protected? Safe?"

This, you could answer. "Respected." Your therapist leaned back, listening quietly and writing something down in her notebook. "For the first time in a long time, I feel like I'm worth something. He listens, respects my boundaries..." Your therapist saw a little smile appear on your face. Something she's rarely seen on you. You drift into good old memories. Nice moments, shared with Stephen. The peaceful walks in the park, where you both would share simple conversations and accidentally touch each other hands while walking, leaving both of you feeling flustered. The warm and cozy evenings in bed or on the couch in front of the fire, where you either would read or watch something together. The shopping tours where you would always have to be careful to not look at something for too long or Stephen would immediately buy it for you. "He makes me laugh."

Paid Love (Dr.Strange x reader)Where stories live. Discover now