Chapter Eleven

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The photo may be too much for this chapter... BUT LOOK AT HIM. Like... DAMN! Credits to the Artist.

You almost slipped. The cloak was fast, making it nearly impossible to follow. But the torture was soon over, replacing it with a new one. You entered the unknown room and books were lying all over the place. You picked one up, only to see it fall apart in your hands. It was like someone had cut through it with a sharp object. You looked on your right to see the shelves had big scratches on them. Maybe it wasn't an object but claws. That made you swallow hard. Fear started to form in you and you thought about the horrible outcome of Stephen being torn apart just like those books on the floor. You already imagined him lying somewhere, alone, shattered across the room, and dead. A sound startled you. Was it the claw monster? Would it try to kill you too? The sound came from the back of the room, so you approached. If Stephen was dead you wouldn't mind having the same fate. He might just be the only reason why you were not beaten up and dead yet, so...

The crushed table in the middle of the dark room caught your attention. You moved closer. You saw a dark shadow and it groaned again- No. From that distance, it sounded more like a wince. You came even closer and suddenly, you dropped your shoulders.

On the wooden floor, Stephen was lying on his stomach, blood dripping down his face. He was moving. Thank god, he was moving!


You walked around the table and kneeled next to him, trying to make him lie on his back. He was heavy and he groaned, not really being in a state of doing or saying anything else. You placed his head on your thigh to lift it a bit.

"Stephen. It's okay. I'm here."

His eyes were closed and his pulse was barely there. He was squirming and talking non-sense but it soon stopped when he fell unconscious.

"No! Stephen! Stay with me!" You shook him a bit but it didn't help. Then you looked at the cloak that was now floating nearby. "Can you lift him? I have to get him out of here, so I can treat him." The cloak immediately flew towards you two and embraced Stephen, sliding behind his back and making him float above the floor. You stood up, hurrying to his room with the cloak close behind.

You removed all the books and the sheets from the bed to make space for Stephen. The cloak placed him on the bed while you looked in the bathroom for any first aid kit. You didn't care that you were making a mess on the way. Time was running short.

"Dammit! Where is it! He just used it earlier!"

Right! Maybe it's still in my room!

It was. It had been waiting there on your bed this whole time. You ran back to Stephen.

There was a lot of running involved today.

You sat on the edge of the bed and started to undress Stephen's upper part. The robe had big cuts, revealing his flesh. Cuts. Probably from the same creature you had seen the scratches on the shelves. His chest had one big cut. It wasn't deep enough to be deadly but it needed stitching immediately or it would become deadly. You analysed the rest of his upper body but it seemed to be the worse wound. You opened the kit to start stitching.


You were able to stitch him up nicely. So you did pick some things up during your short time in medical school.

Stephen was still unconscious, so he was still. You were doing the last stitches on his chest when he woke up.

Stephen blinked a few times. Everything was spinning. "Whe- What happened?"

Paid Love (Dr.Strange x reader)Where stories live. Discover now