Chapter Nine

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"Can we do that tomorrow maybe? I'm so tired."

Stephen put his weight on one leg. "Not used to trying on clothes?"

"Are you kidding me?! I had to put on over 100 Shirts, Pullovers and dresses."

„There weren't that much."

"Tell that to the bags we brought back here." You pointed at the direction where you room was. Then you felt like you had seemed ungrateful and added quickly: "I'm grateful, though. Feels nice to feel special. Thank you again."

"Excuse me? I bought the whole shop and all you feel is 'special'!?" He seemed a bit irritated.

"I'm sorry! I'm mean- Eh-"

You heard him chuckle. "I'm joking. Calm down." He took a step forward, lifting your chin slightly with his finger while looking into your e/c eyes. You began to get used to this. "Why don't you go upstairs. I'll come by and say good night," he said in a somehow soothing tone.



You were brushing your teeth when Stephen knocked.

"Come in!"

You wiped your mouth clean and then came out of the bathroom. Stephen had to smile at the sight of you in his sweatpants and shirt.

"Didn't we buy new pyjamas too?"

"Yes but I like those. Plus, I didn't unpack the knew clothes yet."

"Let me help you with that." With another flick of his hands the pile of bags that had just been in a corner of your room were now gone, and the drawers were full, the wardrobe too.

"You really have to teach me that tomorrow."

"First thing in the morning." He nodded.

"Nah. Maybe first thing in the afternoon if that's not too much to ask." You said, sheepishly.

"Of course." He smirked at your laziness. Then he felt like your gaze had been on him for a bit too long, so he asked: "What?"

"You look so..." You analysed him.


"So not intimidating."

"How am I supposed to understand this?" He tilted his head slightly, not taking that as a compliment.

"It's the first time I see you with 'normal' clothes." Indeed. He wore a grey shirt with dark grey sweatpants, probably the clothes he slept in. "You know, not a suit, not that blue tunic either, and not that doctors uniform." Though, the thing Stephen said the first night you slept at the sanctum about the sanctum being well heated was true, so you thought maybe he would take off his shirt to sleep. You stopped your thoughts as soon as they started thinking about Stephens bare chest.

"I see. And how do I look? Besides from not intimidating?"

"Friendly." You responded, bringing you to other ideas.

"Okay. Anything else to add to the list of how I look?"

"Cute." You smiled at him.

Her furrowed his brow at your comment. "I'll let that slip for now."

"What? You don't like being called cute?" You made a few steps towards him, liking to teas him.

"There are other things I prefer." He observed you walking towards him in his clothes and he put his hands into his pockets.

"Like what, Cutie." You were just in front of him, looking up to see his reaction to your teasing.

He towered over you, telling you in a low voice. "Oh, I think you know..."

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