Chapter Four

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Warnings: violence, language,

„Why are you home this late?"

„Ehm." Dylan was already standing by the front door when you opened it. „I was looking for a job. I did multiple interviews until now."

„Aha." He didn't seem convinced.

„I thought it would be the best thing to do. It's in both our interest."

He walked back into the living room and you followed him. „I'm just glad my lazy girlfriend came to the conclusion to do something for a change." He sat down on the couch and opened a beer.

„And what were you doing all day?!" You covered your mouth immediately after having said that.

He looked up at you. „Excuse me?"

„I-I didn't mean that."

„I'm sure you didn't." He stood up, walking towards you with a serious stare. You walked backwards until the kitchen island stopped you.

„Dylan I'm sorry- Agh!" He had grabbed a handful of your hair and pulled it, so your ear was near his mouth.

„I'm the man in this house, that's what I'm doing."

„Dylan, stop! It hurts!"

„What? You're not satisfied?" Then he grabbed your chin hard, forcing you to look into his angry eyes.

„No, it's not that... It hurts... please..."

„Without me, you would be alone! You have no friends, no colleagues, in a short time you won't have a family either!"


„No need to call your mommy now. God, no wonder your dad left. You're such an incompetent, stupid bitch!"

Tears started streaming down your cheeks.

„And now your mother is gonna die because of you."

„She has a brain tumour!"

„Maybe all the shit you talk about and your existence made this tumour appear in her head in the first place."

„Stop. Please..." You knew that wasn't the case. Something like that was impossible, but it hurt anyway.

He let go of you and you dropped onto the ground, tears meeting the floor.

„Look at you... So miserable." Dylan looked down at you and you raised your head to look at him. „I can't even fuck you in this state. I'm out." He walked towards the door and you heard the door open. „Clean this mess up. When I'm back, I want this place to be shining."

You stayed on the ground, wetting the floor with your tears. You had no strength to get up and this is when you realized that whatever happened, Stephen could never be worse than Dylan. He was still an ass of course, but better. You had to stop thinking and get up to start cleaning before your boyfriend would come back.

Everything could have been prevented if you just had shut your damn mouth. You thought, hating yourself at the moment.

When you had done the cleaning part, you went to the bathroom to look into the mirror. It didn't look bad. You would have a tiny bruise on your chin tomorrow but nothing you couldn't cover up with makeup. It was sad, but you were getting used to this. It wasn't right, but what could you do? You were afraid of him. That's why it was so surprising that you had raised your voice at him at the beginning, starting the whole fight. You figured it had been because you had raised your voice at Strange the whole day. With him you had more power. But it was wrong.

Paid Love (Dr.Strange x reader)Where stories live. Discover now