Chapter Thirteen

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"Finally! I've been waiting for you to call."

"Really?" you said in a quiet tone, full of hope. He had been waiting for you? Dylan? Was he maybe missing you? You held the phone closer to your ear finding that thought quite nice actually.

"Yes." So it's true. Maybe he had changed and realized during all this time that you were gone tha- "I need money for the rent. And go buy more beer. My friends are coming over."


Even after years, he didn't stop disappointing you. Or maybe you were still too naive. "I can't..."

"What you can't!? You're my girlfriend! That's your god damn job!"

"No actually. It isn't!"

"Did you just say no to me!?"

Your heart was pounding. Usually, after these kinds of sentences, you had to prepare yourself for the worst. Even though you were miles away from him, you kept shaking.

"Look I-" You were about to apologize when he continued talking into the microphone. It sounded like he was trying to talk so no one could hear him but you.

"You will do as I say and only talk if I allow it, understood? The only reason you're not lying dead on the streets like a filthy homeless guy is me. Though you're still filthy, so you're lucky I even put up with you. I don't know where you are but I swear to you if you don't do what I fucking tell you to do, you're going to regret it. I'm going to find you and teach you ungrateful bitch a fucking lesson."

You didn't know if he really would be able to find you but you didn't want to take any chances. You were struggling to hold to phone up while you kept your body from shaking as well as possible.

You deserve the world. This sentence from a certain person made you wonder. You never had done anything wrong or bad to him. On the contrary. Therefore there was no reason for him to treat you like this. You weren't sure if you deserved the world but you certainly didn't deserve this.

"No," you then simply said.

"No? No?!"

"A-Actually, I wanted to tell you that it's over between us." You breathed out heavily.  "You can keep the apartment and all the other stuff. It's under your name anyway."

You heard him chuckle.

"I said I'm breaking up with you," you made yourself clear. Possibly one of the hardest things you've ever had to say.

"No, you're not. You need me."

"No. I don't. I need someone for sure but that someone is not you."

"Miss found someone better than me, huh?!"


"N-No that's not it-"

"You want to break up? Fine, but believe me I'm going to find you and when I do I'm going to make you regret everything. This time as your ex apparently. And believe me. That's way worse. Count your days you whore."

You wanted to hang up but you were so frozen that it took you a bit. Long enough to hear him say: "I can't wait to rape your dead body. At least like this, you won't struggle."

You hung up immediately and jumped up a bit, letting the phone fall to the ground. You were crying and trembling, disgusted by the things he had said. You looked around the place in pure shock. Then you picked up the phone, the screen now broken, but that was the least of your problems now. You ran back to Stephen's room.

"You have to throw this away! Sahara, Mount Everest, Siberia. I don't care!" you said as soon as you were through the door.

"What?" Stephen put his laptop to the side and then looked up. "What happened?!" He left the bed and walked towards you so he was standing right in front of you. His eyes were examining you, trying to figure out what had possibly gone wrong in this short time.

Paid Love (Dr.Strange x reader)Where stories live. Discover now