Chapter Ten

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Stephen carried you to his room like it was nothing, passing by doors of those endless corridors of the sanctum. For you it was something, that's why you fidgeted with the cloth of his blue tunic to distract yourself. You were trying so hard to not look up to him because you knew your whole face would become red if you did.

"What's the purpose of a wizard anyway?" you asked, remembering the hours he's spent doing 'magic stuff' in that exact same outfit. But mainly you asked because you desperately sought distraction.

"Protect the world from mystical threats," he responded, still looking forward. Luckily.

"Aren't the avengers here for that?" Maybe you had hurt him by asking that question, but since you didn't look up for a reaction, you couldn't be sure.

Only as he spoke up you could sense a tone of annoyance in him. "They're more for physical threats." You figured he didn't like the Avengers very much.

"Hm... Is it dangerous?" You ask, sheepishly.

Of course, it's dangerous. New York was once nearly completely destroyed, Y/n!

"I'm sorry- Of course it is." you corrected yourself quickly.

"Nah." He shook his head a little.

"Hm?" You looked at him in disbelieve and he looked down at you. The thing you were trying to avoid this whole time.

"There's nothing I can't beat." There it was. His smudge smirk, making your face glow red as you predicted.

Stephen then stood still in front of a door and seemed to hesitate, but then the door opened by itself, and at first you couldn't see anything. It was dark. Then your eyes adjusted and you saw a small, messy room with the curtains closed. Rows and rows of books were in the walls behind the king-sized bed that was still undone. Stephen placed you down on it.

He had tensed while entering and seemed to not want to mention the state of his room. He went, opening the curtains and picking some shirts and robes up from the floor while he was on it. You noticed he was dodging your gaze, so you said something to comfort him. "It's comfy."

"You don't have to lie. It's a mess."

"A comfortable one, though."

"I often don't have the energy or time to tidy up things or organise, so I just leave it. It's not like I get a lot of visitors..." he adds like he has to explain himself.

"It's okay," you assure him. The only reason why your apartment never looked like this was because you had a 'motivation' to clean it. If you wouldn't do it, it would not end well. "I could do that if you want." He glanced at you. "Once I'm healed. I mean, I'm already organising your library. This little room is nothing compared to it."

He goes back, picking up the rough things on the floor. "You certainly didn't expect that rich, suit guy being like a 17-year-old teenager."

"We all have our issues. If my Sugar Daddy is a mess. So be it." You smirked and he chuckled.

Through you, he got his confidence back, but it went as soon as it had come when he opened his closet to throw the things he had picked up into it, only to see much more clothes fall out of it. You laughed out at the sight of him, ashamed and flustered as the piles of clothes spilled out on the floor. You quickly covered your mouth when Stephen gave you a glance of annoyance, to restrain the laughter. He then smiled shyly at you with his reddened cheeks. He didn't seem that intimidating now. He massages the nape of his neck with his hand, looking completely lost.

"Actually. Can't you just use magic like you did earlier?"

"Have you looked in your drawers yet?"

"Not really?"

Paid Love (Dr.Strange x reader)Where stories live. Discover now