Chapter Seventeen

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Warnings: Mention of sexual assault, spicyyyyy

You were getting frustrated with the book, Stephen had bought you yesterday and decided to make some tea. So, you went into the kitchen, placing the book on the table while figuring out which flavor of tea you should pick. You heard the front door open and close. Stephen coming home from work. He came into the kitchen saying hello and you greeted him back.

"I was about to make tea. Want some?"

"No, thank you." He walked towards the kitchen table, placing his keys and phone on it, next to your book.

He took the opportunity to read the back of the book to find out which kinds of genres and tropes you were into. And what he found was quite to his liking.

"What are you doing?" you asked, skeptically.

"Just reading," he answered rather absent.

"You can't read that." You said, trying to snatch the book away from him.

But he was faster. And taller. "Why not? Is it full of smut?"

You were surprised that he not only got it right but knew the term as well.

Your silence was enough for Stephen to know he was right.

"You made me buy you smut." He gave you a funny look of disbelief.

"First off, you wanted to buy me books. You didn't specify what kind of books. And second off, I didn't know there was smut in it." Liar.

"Come on. I can already feel the sexual tension by reading the back. I bet you felt it too and that's why you chose it. Plus it's an enemies-to-lovers kind of thing."

You looked away, hating the fact that he had hit every spot. Seeing the smirk on his face as you looked back made it even more difficult to suppress the redness forming on your face.

"Stop smirking," you said.

"You're getting red," he teased.

"I said stop it."

"I'm just joking. I hope you're enjoying the book so far."

You sighed at that. Letting yourself sink onto a chair and placing your head on your hand. "Sadly, not so much."

"Why not?" He frowned.

"It's not important..."

He made a few steps towards you. "No, tell me. If you want we can go to the mall again and get you another."

"It's not going to change anything. It's not the book itself."

"Then what is it?"

"Well- Ehm..." You inhaled and exhaled deeply. "I may just have realized that Dylan destroyed much more than I thought..." You fought the tears forming in your eyes.

"I think you'll have to be a bit clearer than that." He said, leaning against the kitchen counter behind him.

"You'll get mad..." you looked down at your knees and shoes.

Then he took a chair, placed it right next to you but sat it faced you. Then he sat down. "Why would I get mad?" He looked at you sincerely. "I promise, I won't." It was hard to not look at his chest in that position he was in. Both elbows on each thigh, the shirt tight around his shoulders and chest muscles. Even when he was leaning in like that, he was still a bit taller than you.

You bit your lips and breathed a few times before getting all your courage. "I was reading, and everything was fine and then I got to that part-"

"Smut." You gave him a look. But it was kind of funny. Enough to make you relax a bit. "I'm sorry. Continue." He shut up.

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