Chapter Eight

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„How about we go shopping." Stephen suggests.


„I think it would distract you." He could see that you weren't very fond of this idea either. „Come on. It would be fun."

„Don't you have to work?"

„I can take the day off. I'm the boss after all."

„No, it's okay. Just leave me here. Cloaky and I-„

„So you can run off again?"

„I wasn't planning on doing that. At least not for today."

"Haha. Seriously, I think it could be a good opportunity to get to know each other. Learn to trust. Have fun." It didn't do much to change your opinion but maybe if... "I'd never thought I would have to say that but if we go then maybe I'll teach you magic."

Now he had your interest. "Go on..."

"Turn things into other things, maybe how to do portals..." he attracted you into accepting his offer.

"Do I get to fly with the cloak???"

"If you want."

"Okay Dumbeldore, I'm in but we won't go to fancy shops. I don't want you spending too much money on me."

"You got it Hermoine."


"Armani? You're serious?"

"What? They make nice suits," Stephen responded while going over his suit with his hands, showing off.

"I said not too expensive." You could already see from the outside that this wasn't going to be a cheap scale.

"Pff. It's nothing for me." Stephen led you into the shop, opening the door and leading you further in with his hand on your back.

"Stephen!" The shop owner said with an Italian accent.

"Ah, Giovanni." (Don't ask me. I needed an Italian name, that was the only one I could come up with.)

"How are you?"

"Good, good," Stephen responded.

"I see you're wearing the new suit. My measurements were right."

"You never fail with your measures."

"I see you're not alone." Giovanni looks at you.

"Yes, this is Y/n. My...Eh..."

"Assistant," you say.

"Right," Stephen agreed with you.

"Too bad. I thought you two were a couple."

"Well, I'm sorry to disappoint you, Giovanni."

"Nono, not at all. What isn't yet, can still be."

Excuse me?

"I wouldn't bet on that if I were you," Stephen said.


"But you look so great together. We all love some office romance." Giovanni winked. You had to admit his friendliness was probably one of his strong suits. "How about a matching dress for the lady."

"For which suit?" Stephen asks, smirking.

"You have so many." Giovanni waved him off, making Stephen chuckle. "Better keep it simple. Black? Hm?"

"Eh..." You didn't know what to say.

Before you knew it, Giovanni was already measuring you. "You have a great figure."

Paid Love (Dr.Strange x reader)Where stories live. Discover now