Chapter Five

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Warnings: language

"You learn quickly. I'm surprised." Stephen and you were sitting across from each other in the library. The book about Sanskrit laying on the desk between you two.

"About what? About the fact, that there are actually other people in this world that could be as smart as you?" you respond.

"There aren't any. And did you just call me smart?" He smirked.

"I guess I did," you admitted.

"What an understatement." He looked at you, making an exaggerating shock expression.

"Live with it, Strange." You leaned forward, smiling.

It was a nice moment. Wait- Were you flirting with each other???

"But seriously. This is not easy. Not for someone like you."

"Hey! I went to school and studied medicine you know."


"What?" You never told that to anyone that came into your life. IF someone did enter your life. "I mean, I didn't. I didn't finish."

"Medicine is hard. A lot of people abort because they can't handle it-"

"I didn't abort! I wanted to continue."

"So you were expelled, or what?"

"I was forced to stop, I wasn't expelled."

"Does it have something to do with your boyfriend?"

"No," you responded.

He furrowed his eyes.

"Not directly," you then said.

"Ah. Then I guess the bruise on your chin hasn't directly anything to do with your boyfriend either. Am I right?"

"I-" You covered the bruise with your hand.

I knew this foundation couldn't be this good as the commercial said.

"Since when did you notice?" you asked.

"That's not the issue here."

"I'm fine. Really. I just hit my chin yesterday. I was tired-"

"When will you stop defending him?" He seemed irritated.

"And when will you stop interfering in other people's affairs?"

And here we go again.

"I'm trying to help you here!" He was getting louder.

"I don't need help!" You were getting louder as well.

"You know it's not true!"

You aggressively stood up from your chair. "We know each other for two days! What could you possibly know what's good for me!? You may know if I have a job or not, you know about my boyfriend, a bit of my history and family but that's it! You don't know who I truly am."

"I know who-" You didn't let him talk.

"Who knows, maybe I'm stupid and lying all the time. Maybe I'm very selfish or just mean. Maybe I did just abort medical school. Or, no. Better. I was expelled because I was so dumb!" You yelled at him and your eyes go watery. "I'm so annoying and dumb! I have no friends, you see. I lied. I lied to you. I told you I had friends. I don't. Nobody likes me. I'm maybe the reason, my mom got this brain tumour." Your breath quickened.

Strange stood up and walked to you. "Okay, I think that's-"

"I-I'm a useless, stupid, bitch!" You fell onto your knees and a tear fell down your cheek.

Paid Love (Dr.Strange x reader)Where stories live. Discover now