Chapter Three

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"It's still hard to believe that you are a wizard." You said, suddenly changing the random subject you had talked about while walking through the park. It was funny, though, that since you had left his place you two never ran out of subjects to talk.

"Sorcerer." Strange looked a little irritated, but it quickly faded when he saw the little smirk of yours. It was going well at the moment and it seemed that you understood each other.

She is adorable when she is teasing me. He thought.

"I think I already asked you this, but WHY are you offering me this?"

"Well-" He put his hands into his pockets, like always, and wanted to tell you the same thing he had already told you.

"You don't really think I will believe that you're alone," you said before he could say more.

"Why don't you believe me?" He met your gaze.

"Come on." You smiled.

"I don't think I get it." He did look confused.

You sighed and started to explain: "You're not that bad looking," You didn't want him to know that you thought he was hot. He was though- No, it was just the suit. Just the suit.

"Thank you."

"You're a wizard,"


"and you're awfully rich. Don't tell me nobody wants to date you."

"Because everyone knows I'm rich, I never know if someone has real feelings towards me or it's just because of the money. I've been played a few times." His face showed no real emotions. He told you this like it was no big deal.

"Oh." But the sympathy on your face could be noticed from 100 miles away.

"At least like this, I know for sure it's because of the money and I get no hopes." At least he thought he wouldn't get hopes.

That's... kinda sad... You thought.

"Believe me or not. You're the first one I do this with. I've been thinking about it for a long time but never found the right person."

"Right person?" You stopped walking.

He walked a few steps before noticing you were standing still and he spun around. "So desperate that it's impossible that they will say no, so they won't gossip around I asked in the first place. And not that bad looking." He copied your words from earlier and that was funny, you had to admit.

"Do I really look that desperate?"

"Yessss." He turned around and continued walking with his hands in the pocket of his trousers, having a little smile on his face.

"Thank you for your honesty." You rolled your eyes.

"If we're already getting on that topic... Let's discuss our rules."

"Rules?!" You caught up with him.

"First:" he started.

"First?!" You wanted him, to look at you, showing somehow that this was a joke but it wasn't. He didn't look at you. His gaze was fixed on the trees and building in front of you, that kept getting bigger as you walked.

"We have to be completely honest with each other. No lies. Just honesty." he continued.

That's not that bad.

"Second: We will meet every day at least once. Shouldn't be a problem since you have no job."

"I'm starting to like you more and more." You said sarcastically, getting irritated. You already knew yourself, that you had no job. No need to remind you over and over again.

Paid Love (Dr.Strange x reader)Where stories live. Discover now