Chapter Fourteen

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"No matter how interesting you are, I really must get to work."

You looked behind you, seeing the piles of books standing next to the exit. And these were only the ones you had taken away from the shelves to put back in alphabetical order. Meaning the rest of the books (that were on the shelves) had still to be taken out and reordered.

"It's not that much." You looked back at the cloak and it looked back at you, not believing a single word. "You will help me, right?"

The cloak seemed to think for a minute and then made a movement that looked like it wanted to say. "Yeah, okay. Fine."


You picked a book up and looked at it, then held it towards the cloak. "Would you be so kind and put that back there." You pointed at a shelf for the books that started with the letter A.

It took it and put it where you had pointed. And it went like this for a long time.

"And this one there." Again, the cloak took the leather-bound book and placed it where you wanted it to be placed.

"So many books... Did Stephen read all of them?" You asked, looking up.

When the cloak was back, hovering next to you, it responded with a nod.

"Wow. He must be smart if he understands all of this."

On the corner of your eyes, you saw the cloak making a motion."Meh." It told you.

You chuckled while looking at the next books. At the thought of Stephen, you remembered last night. You remembered the good part that made you blush. You didn't know what had gotten into you to have this sudden need for him to kiss you. You were a bit embarrassed by it to be honest. But it had been necessary for you to realise something. And this had lead you to the next not-so-good part of last night...

You felt a soft fabric on your shoulder get you back to reality. You lifted your head abruptly, making the cloak flinch.

"Oh, I'm sorry. You surprised me."

The cloak seemed to look at you -in a way that a cloak could look at you at all-.


The soft cloth of his corner grazed over your shoulder, rubbing it delicately.

"I'm fine." you were indeed not so fine. You were trembling again, sweat began to form under the palms of your hand, and your brain wandered from thought to thought without real processing. It became harder and harder to breath and it felt like the room around you was getting smaller, making you almost feel like you were drowning under the small space.

The cloak made you look at him with its two corners on each side of your face. It informed you that it was here. Right here. Then it made itself a bit bigger and then smaller again, explaining you, you should breath in a slow and deep way. You copied its motions and felt the walls around you go slowly back again. The pondering feeling in your chest became quieter and your body started to relax on the wooden surface of the floors library.

"Thank you." you thanked the cloak. "I don't know why I felt like this so suddenly."

The cloak still seemed to be concerned but you didn't want to cause any more trouble. "Let's go back to work!" You tried to sound as enthusiastic as possible. You picked the next book up, ignoring the still trembling hands of yours.


After a while of pursuing, the cloak finally got you in the kitchen. It wanted you to eat something since you hadn't eaten anything yet. And you were up since 9 and now it was half past one in the afternoon. You had kept in mind to not open the fridge Stephen had warned you about. Although, you could hear weird noises coming from inside when you held your ear close to it and that certainly caught you interest. But after the incident with Stephen injured on the floor you didn't want to end up like him if there was only a slight chance of a similar monster being inside. Though it would be irresponsible of Stephen keeping a dangerous monster in his fridge.

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