Chapter Six

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Warning: Small mention of PTSD

Dinner was ready, so Stephen came to your room to tell you.

He knocked on the door. "Y/n? Dinner is ready. I'm not the best cook but I'm not that bad." He chuckled slightly.

No response.

"Y/n???" He knocked again but harder. "Are you alright?"

No response. Again.

"Can I come in?"


"I'm opening the door!" It wasn't locked, luckily.

He peeked into the room. "Hello?" And saw you were lying on the bed.

He walked to your bed, looking at your sleeping face. You were calm and breathing normally, so no need to panic. Today and yesterday must have been tiring for you, Stephen assumed.

You were still in your normal clothes but he didn't dare to change anything. He only put a blanket over you and then carefully closed the curtains to dim the light. He took a quick glance at you again, to check if you were still alright, before walking to the door. He wanted to let the man who was the cause for the bruise on your face pay for what he did. A nice punch right in the middle of his face was all he dreamt about. Anyway.

"I guess I'll eat alone. Good night." he said softly and left the room, closing the door behind him and letting you sleep.


"Can you send me the file?" Stephen said to the man on the other side of the line.

He felt his phone vibrate and moved it away from his ear to look at it. Then he put the hearer back to his ear. "I got it. I'm going to read it now."

The man on the other side said something and then Stephen said his goodbyes. "Yeah, thanks again, bye." With that, he hung up.

"So lets see what we have here..." he talked to himself while opening the file.

It was your documents from medical school. He skipped through the lines until he found what he was looking for.

Y/n Y/l/n is forced to abort the medical study in New York Medical college due to psychological health issues such as mild PTSD. We are truly unfortunate to lose a great student as Ms. Y/L/n but she is not able to pursue her studies anymore, as tests resulted.

"So that's what going on. I suspected it was something like that." He said and took a bite from his toast.

He was sitting alone in the kitchen. He had put the dinner away because he was not hungry. The whole thing had made him lost his appetite, so he was just eating a toast.

Looking at other actually quiet private documents of yours, Stephen had even lost his appetite for the toast, so he just stared at it. He was disgusted. It was obviously no secret you had problems but now one seemed to trace the source up to Dylan. Probably no one even suspected him for a second. He could only imagine his ugly face, faking a nice smile and playing the role of the oh-so-perfect-boyfriend just to turn into a monster when no one was around anymore.

„You are crushing your toast," you said, entering the kitchen.

Stephen quickly looked at you, then the toast. He hadn't noticed that in all his fury he had clutched his fist together. Then he looked at his phone, then back at you while slamming the screen of the phone on the table.

„Are you okay?"

How could she ask ME if I was okay?!

„Ehm, Yeah!" He let the toast fall into the plate under it and shook the crumbles off his hand.

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