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Calem bent down as he tried to catch his breath from all the running, white puff of steam going past his lips. He literally ran across the city from that junk shop and all the way to Winding Woods. And it didn't help Clefairy was on his shoulder the whole time. Calem peeked an eye open as he looked into the forest, studying the long grass Gothorita had disappeared into with the Moon Stone in its possession.

[Name] came running in a moment later, her movements sluggish from all the running but not breathing as hard as Calem was. [Name] sat down on a rock covered with moss, not really carrying as she wanted to rest her aching feet. She sighed in relief and looked at Calem who was still looking around the forest.

"Did you lose sight of Gothorita?" [Name] questioned, sitting upright and placing her hands in her lap.

"Unfortunately, yes. It disappeared in the long grass just before Clefairy and I was able to grab it," Calem replied, placing his a hand behind the back of his neck. His eyes scanned the area as a frustrating emotion lingered. "What are we going to now? These woods are enormous. How will we able to find Gothorita now? It could be anywhere."

[Name]'s gaze softens as she stands up from the rock and walks over to Calem. She placed a hand on his left shoulder and gave him a reassuring smile. "Don't worry too much. I'm sure we'll be able to find Gothorita, even in these woods. All we got to do is split up and cover more ground. I promise we'll get the Moon Stone back."

"Clefairy!" Clefairy agreed, giving Calem a huge smile.

"If Clefairy isn't giving up, neither should you," [Name] continued. She lightly pushed Calem forward and walked in front of him, giving him another smile. "You want to help Clefairy evolve, right? Then come on. Let's go find Gothorita."

The frown that was etched on Calem's face turned upward as he smiled. He pushed the hat on his head up and suddenly looked motivated. [Name] and Calem began with their plan, deciding that [Name] would head West of the woods and Calem would head North of the woods. Along the way, they would ask random Trainers and Pokemon if they have seen the Manipulative Pokemon. And if they encountered her, they would call the other right away.

"Alright, let's do this!" The trio cheered as they threw their hands in the air and quickly went their separate ways.


"A Gothorita you say?" A Fairy Tale Girl placed a finger near her the corner of her mouth as she looks back on her memory. Her Azumarill stood next to her, its circular brown eyes peering at Calem and Clefairy. "Can't say that I have. I would have surely noticed an adorable Pokemon run by, especially with a rare stone in hand."

"I see," Calem dejectedly mumbled.

Calem thanked the young girl and continued on his search for Gothorita. He seemed to have no luck just yet but there was still a lot more area he needed to explore. He had asked multiple Trainers and Pokemon for Gothorita's whereabouts but none of them knew. He had wondered if [Name] had any luck but since she didn't call him, he guessed she didn't either.

He thought about sending out his Pokemon to help but decided otherwise. Calem wanted to do this on his own. It was his time to show what he's capable of. As they continued walking, Clefairy let out a sigh as she looked dejected. She was starting to think she might not even evolve because the world didn't let her. And just after she made her decision.

Calem noticed her mood and bent down. "What's wrong, Clefairy? Are you worried about the Moon Stone?"

"Clef," Clefairy replied, nodding her head slowly.

"Don't worry, we'll find the Moon Stone, I promise. You'll be able to evolve soon," Calem rubbed her head, reassuring her of everything. "We won't leave empty handed, that's for sure. So Clefairy, have a little more faith, okay?"

Love Me Like You Do (Ash Ketchum x Reader x Calem)Where stories live. Discover now