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"What do you mean there are no more rooms available?" I desperately asked, almost leaning over the hotel desk and being face to face with the clerk.

"I'm afraid so, sir," The clerk replied, giving me an apologetic smile. "Due to the unexpected rain, all our rooms have been booked for the night. I'm sorry for the inconvenience. Perhaps we could book you for another night?"

I hung my head down in despair, a sigh escaping my lips. "No, it's far alright. We'll just go find a different place to stay in. Thank you."

I turned back around and began walking back, my feet dragging against the marble floor. I spotted [Name] sitting in one of the lobby chairs, drying her hair with a towel. I leaned against the chair she was sitting in and hung my head down again, my black hair dangling.

"Bad news. All the rooms have been booked for the night, so we're going to have to sleep somewhere else," I break the news to her.

"What? No way. It's practically pouring out there, I can't even see a thing outside," she sighed, looking outside the windows and into the outdoors were dark clouds were covering the sky and raining down making it impossible to see anything.

"It can't be helped. We'll have to look for a Pokemon Center or something," I pick up my hat I left on the chair next to her and placed it back on my head.

"Geez, they could've let us stay in the lobby or you know, the janitor's closet. Somewhere dry," [Name] remarked causing me to chuckle. She always had a way to lighten up these situations. After placing the towel back in her backpack, she placed a hat on and said, "Well, let's get going before the weather gets worse."

As we began to head out the door, the voice of the clerk stopped us right in our tracks. We turned around to face him as he skidded to halt in front of us.

"Oh, sir, please wait," he panted. "We just had a call that one of our clients has canceled their reservation. If you're still interested, would you like to stay in the room? You wouldn't even have to pay for the room. The client didn't require their money back."

[Name] and I faced each other in happiness, almost as if we won the jackpot which we did. We didn't have to go out into the rain to look for shelter and the room we were staying in was free. Whoever that person was, I'm so grateful to them. Thank the gods.

"Absolutely," I immediately replied, afraid that this was only a joke.

"Excellent," he smiled and proceeded to take out a key from his breast pocket. He handed it over to me, the shiny silver key glinting in the light. "Here you are, room number fifteen, the grandest room in the entire hotel. It will be located on floor six."

I grab the key from his hold and nod my head in gratitude. "Thank you very much."

"I hope the two of you have a nice stay in our hotel," The clerk bowed down before heading back to the lobby desk.

We head over to the elevator doors and entered them, pressing the number six. We stand in silence, the elevator music filling the entire elevator. The doors open and we step out, looking around the hallway. We walked around, looking for number fifteen when we finally stopped in front of it. I placed the key on the keyhole and twisted it to the right, hearing a click from the other side.

We enter the room and my jaw dropped open. This room, whoever booked it, must have a lot of money to afford this. A king size bed sat against the left side of the room, cream bedsheets laid on top of it. A white bedroom bench sat at the foot of the bed, a way to decorate the bed. A bedside was on the left of the bed, a black lamp and white dittany decorating it. Because of how spacious the room was, a small living room with couches and chairs was all the way in the back, near the large window with red curtains. The bathroom was across from the bed, being able to be easily assessed.

Love Me Like You Do (Ash Ketchum x Reader x Calem)Where stories live. Discover now