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A/N: I was originally going to make this happy, but then I was like, no. Let's not.

And also, this chapter is long, like really long. I try not to make the chapters long but this one came out like this.

Anyway, here's a key:

[Name]'s Eevee(Shiny) = Shiny

Calem's Eevee = Mild

Serena's Eevee = Timid

Just nickname because it gets confusing on calling them Eevee. It will just be for this chapter and the next. After that, they will just go after Eevee, but will sometimes be called by their nicknames.



It's been two days since we have left Lumiose City. We had already crossed the wetlands along the way. That place was lots of fun, that's for sure. It was funny watching Calem falling into pitfalls and getting all muddy. Karma also got me back by letting me fall into the pitfalls continuously. The whole time, we were laughing and having fun; we looked like wild animals. 

This was the most fun I've ever had.

A light up ahead outside of the forest shone brightly. We quickly ran towards it in a fit of laughing. The sun above our heads was smiling brightly, the wind flew around us, and the leaves falling from the trees danced around us.

Once we had reached the light, we ended up in a field of multiple flowers. And as we walked forward, the view was amazing. Standing on top of the hill and watching everything around us—one word, amazing. There was a river flowing all the way to the mountains miles away. The air smelled of flowers and nature. Although we spotted no Pokemon, it was a sight to see.

"Would you look at this view? The air smells so fresh," Calem comments, taking a deep breath and releasing it with a smile on his face.

"Yeah," I breathed out, the only way I could respond. Suddenly an idea pops into my head and I run forward, doing a twirl to face Calem. "Hey, I know. Why do we take a break here and possible stay a few days here?"

"Sounds like a plan," Calem wholeheartedly agrees and proceeds to take off his back, "and while we are it, why not send out our Pokemon. They deserve a break too."

Soon, multiple Pokemon appear in front of us, stretching their limbs and letting out yawns. Every one also stared in amazement at the valley and immediately took off together towards the river.

"Hey now, don't cause trouble for any Pokemon residing here. And don't wander off too far," I yelled out, but sighed nonetheless; those Pokemon will somehow find a way to cause an uproar, I just know it.

The noise of a blanket being extended was heard behind me. I turned around to see Calem setting a large blanket, probably mine, on the ground. He patted the blanket down and froze once he realized I was staring at him.

He looked up at me and smiled, a cheeky smile. "I was just thinking we could have a picnic. We haven't eaten anything since this morning at the Pokemon Center."

"Well, I suppose a lunch break could be nice," I walked over to him and began to help him set up the blanket. "Oh and remember, the blanket is this side up."

Calem chuckled and shook his head as I let out a giggle in response. After we were done with the blanket, we began to make some spaghetti for lunch. Out of the corner of my eye, I see our Pokemon all huddling together, all talking about something. I fully turn my head to see them laughing away as they continue to glance at the river and us.

"I have a feeling they are planning something," I say, turning back to Calem. He glanced over at the Pokemon and shook his head again with a sigh of disbelieve.

Love Me Like You Do (Ash Ketchum x Reader x Calem)Where stories live. Discover now