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Calem and [Name] sat in the kitchen eating breakfast Anna made as said mother cooked her own breakfast. Their Pokemon, along with Anna's Pokemon, had finished eating their food and were outside playing. Anna sets down her plate and sits down, pushing some of her short black hair out of the way.

"It's quite nice that we are having breakfast together unlike what happened yesterday," she casually comments making a bead of sweat run down the two Trainers.

Calem clears his throat before speaking, "We're sorry for not eating with you yesterday. I'll make it up to you by eating together tonight."

"I'm sorry, too," [Name] apologized, "Because of my own problems, Calem didn't end up eating with you. I'm really sorry."

"It's fine now. That just shows how much my son cares about you, his friend," Anna replied, waving her hand, "Although I was slightly disappointed, I didn't end up eating by myself thanks to Grace."

[Name] gets tense at the mention of her name as Calem looks at her worriedly which does not go unnoticed by Anna.

"What's wrong? Why did you both get quiet at the mention of her name?" Anna asked, slightly curious because of what happened yesterday and today.

Before Calem could try to make an excuse, [Name] beats him to it. She wasn't going to lie this time, not to his mom. She needed to know and [Name] was sick of trying to run away from her problems.

"You see, I have some personal problems with her daughter," she explained, slightly shaking, "I didn't want Grace to ask me about her because I feared I would say something bad. Sure I could've just told her, but I was scared."

Anna nods her head, "I understand. I'm sorry for making you talk about it. I won't bring it up again, but if you to talk about it, you can come talk to me. I'll listen to all your problems."

"Aren't you being a bit too nosy?" Calem asked while putting a spoonful of cereal to his mouth.

"I am not nosy.  I'm just worried about her, okay?" Anna denied, defending herself. She then crosses her arm and says, "And if you don't shut your mouth, I will only let [Name] go see Professor Sycamore while you clean the house."

"What?! That's not fair!" Calem exclaims.

"It is fair. [Name] is the guest of the house, so obviously she won't do anything," Anna continued. 

"Instead of me going alone, I'll just stay here and help Calem. If I would just go and leave Calem, I'll feel guilty," [Name] stepped in. She didn't want them to start fighting.

"Aww. Aren't you just kind?" Anna gushed with a smile making me give her a small smile, "All right, you can go Calem. But only because she saved your behind."

Calem responds by letting out a groan and continued eating her cereal with a pout. [Name] turns the opposite way and quietly laughs at the whole situation.

I'm sorry, Calem. This is just too funny.


Grace is walking out of her house with a bowl of Pokemon Food in her grasp. She bends down, giving Rhyhorn his food and petting him on the head. Grace soon stands up again and happened to look over to the neighbor's lawn to see [Name] and Calem standing over on the front lawn. 

"Hmm, maybe I should go greet her," she mumbles to herself and begins to take a step forward with her hand up. As she was about to shout her name, she stops in her tracks.

Grace watches as [Name] hops on to Charizard's back and looks down at Calem. She could tell that Calem looked a bit nervous from the way her facial expression looked. Her eyes then widen when she sees [Name] smile and laugh. It had been a long time since she had seen her give an expression like that. The last time she smiled was when Serena had called her to inform her that she was joining Ash's group. 

Love Me Like You Do (Ash Ketchum x Reader x Calem)Where stories live. Discover now