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Calem and I walked under a zen arch decorating the entrance of Laverre City. People and Pokemon were walking around the streets and children ran around, playing. The city was decorated with mushrooms and paper lanterns. Many of the houses and shops were designed to look like traditional zen buildings. A river flowed through the middle of the city with arch bridges built over it.

"We're finally at Laverre City," I happily look around, amazed on how beautiful and peaceful this city looked. "It almost looks like a place right out of a fairy tale."

"It's just what you would expect from a city that has a slogan of "The city of otherworldly dreams"," Calem takes in a deep breath and smiles. "The atmosphere is peaceful here and the air smells of lavenders. I almost feel at home."

"Excuse me," A little boy says as he runs by us with other kids his age and older chasing after him. I smile at their energy.

I then notice multiple stalls being currently set up either being a stall of food or games. "There's a lot of stalls being set up at the moment. Is there going to be a festival later in the day?"

"I'm not sure, but it sure looks like it," Calem notes and thinks thoughtfully. "I wonder what it will be about." 

"Maybe it's a festival for our arrival," I joke, winking at him causing Calem to roll his eyes with a smile. I take out my device and search for the directions for the Laverre City Gym. I point over straight across the arch bridge. "Come on. The Gym should be this way. Just two more badges after this one and then to the Pokemon League."

We walk across the bridge, gazing down at the river. The more we walked through further in the city, the more noticed many more stalls being set up and some already done. There were many kids getting their faces painted despite it not being time for the festival.

After a while of walking in silence and admiring the city, Calem asks, "So who's the Gym Leader? What kind of person are they?"

"Hmm. Let me see," I mumbled, looking down at my device and going to the Gym's website. Finding the results, I held out the device for Calem to see. "Here she is. This is Valerie, the Laverre Gym Leader. Not only is she known for being a strong Trainer, she's also known for her own fashion line. And apparently, that outfit she's wearing is designed by her."

"A Gym Leader who's a fashion designer, huh?" Calem said, still looking at her picture. "Maybe I should buy something from her. I could use a new outfit."

"Your outfit is fine. The only thing you need to change are those glasses of yours," I comment, pointing up at the black sunglasses on his hat.

"Hey, my sunglasses are fine. Besides," he flicks the sunglasses so they are placed on his face. A grin appears on his face. "not only do they block the sun, but they make me look fashionable."

"Weirdo," I snicker.

We continue on our way to Gym, talking and laughing the whole way there. I thought the residents living here would be annoyed by our loud behavior, but all they did was smile at our enthusiasm. These people sure were kind if they were able to handle our loudness.

When we arrive at the Gym, the first thing I did was gaze up at it. The Gym looked just like all of the building back at the town; a traditional styled zen Gym. A giant tree, which was known as an ancient tree, sat behind it with the Gym sitting on the base of it. Multiple mushrooms decorated the gardens with the river flowing through here as well. 

"Would you look at this place?" I breathe out, my eyes completely mesmerized by the whole structure. I felt like an ant just by standing next to it.

"If it looks like this from the outside, imagine how it would look from the inside," Calem commented, but then blurted out, his eyes sparkling. "Oh, who am I kidding. I don't even care how it looks like. I'm just excited to win my Sixth Gym Badge."

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