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The light from the sun slowly flooded into the tent, lighting up the inside of the tent meaning morning had arrived.

I slowly opened my eyes, blinking them multiple times and sat up, stretching my arms as I let out a yawn in the process.

Sitting there for a couple of minutes, I contemplated if I should go back to sleep for a couple of minutes or if I should wake up and make breakfast.

Picking the latter, I crawled on my hands and knees making my way over to the zipper of the tent. I pulled the zipper over to the other side and watched as the flap fell towards the ground in front of me.

Due to my eyes still not adjusting to the light, I hissed and closed my eyes from the evil sunlight. 

Soon my eyes got used to it and I stood up on the flap, looking up at the blue sky and badlands we haven't gotten out of.

I heard movement from inside the tent followed by a groan.

Looking over my shoulder, I watched as Calem came crawling out of the tent, groggily. He made his way over to me and sat next to me while he rubbed his eyes like a little kid.

The two of us had an argument on where Calem was going to sleep; my tent or outside. It finally ended when he agreed he was going to sleep inside my tent from now on as long as there were some rules.

"Morning," I greeted him as I covered my yawn with my hand.

"It's morning, huh?" he lazily said, fully awake, "And we're still not close to Lumiose City."

"Mm-hm," I hummed and turned around to grab my backpack which was inside the tent. When I had it in my hold, I put on my slippers and walked away from the flap.

I turned to Calem and said, "Well, I'm going to go ahead and make some sandwiches for us and bring the Pokemon Food for our Pokemon. Even though it's morning, I'm going to make sandwiches 'cause they are the easiest thing to do."

"I'll do the Pokemon Food and set up the table since you are doing our food," Calem stood up, putting on his slippers, "and I sorta know what each Pokemon likes now."

"If they get mad at you, don't blame me," I told him over my shoulder.

"I know," he said with a sigh.

::: Short Time Skip :::

On the table, there were some leftover sandwiches from today's breakfast and empty drinks. The ten bowls of our Pokemon were set on the table as well after they were done eating and they decided to go back inside their Pokeballs to sleep some more due to how early it was.

Lucario and Meowstic decided to stay outside rather than inside and were helping us pack up our sleeping bags and my tent.

Calem and I were already fully dressed and had begun cleaning up the table with our Pokemon.

"Lucario, can you pass me the bowls and cups so I can clean them," I told Lucario and he let out a grunt as he picked up the bowls and cups and handed them over to me. Taking the bowls from him, I thanked Lucario and proceeded to wash them. When I was done, I handed them back to Lucario, "Can you please take to Calem, so he can put them away. Thank you."

"Rio," Lucario nodded his head and walked over to Calem and Absol who were putting everything away.

Letting out a sigh, I looked back up and shouted at Calem, "Are there anymore—" I stopped short in my sentence when I saw Calem put the leftover sandwiches on a napkin and proceeded to put them in his pants, "What are you doing?"

"I'm saving them for later in case we ever get hungry and need something to eat," Calem replied as he looked back up and had started to work on the table, "Since there were plenty of them left, I figured we might as well take them for the journey. And it's better than to throw them away and waste food."

Love Me Like You Do (Ash Ketchum x Reader x Calem)Where stories live. Discover now