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"The Gym Match of the Snowbelle City will now begin! Both the Gym Leader and Challenger will have the use of three Pokemon each," The referee from last time announced. "The battle is concluded as soon as one party's Pokemon are unable to battle. Furthermore, only the challenger is allowed to substitute his Pokemon during the battle."

"Y'know what? Ice is both extremely hard and terrible fragile at the same time," Wulfric informed. "You know what that means? Depending on which Pokemon you choose and what moves they use,  my strength changes as well. But that's how it should be."

"Yes, that's true. But no matter the obstacles we face, we'll always come right back and take it head-on. We won't give up that easily. Your strengths may change and may be something we've never seen before, but even so, my Pokemon and I will defeat you. We will take this Gym Badge. Winner takes it all!" [Name] declared, her eyes showing determination and strength. The endless practices she and her Pokemon have done and the endless obstacles they've faced will all be shown here.

Calem nodded his head as he smiled with pride. He stood above in the spectator's section, having a clear view of the field. Calem knew what [Name] and her Pokemon were capable of, so this battle will surely be ease for her.

"Well said. Now, let's get this show on the road. I wanna see all you got!" Wulfric stated, his voice echoing throughout the Gym and shaking a few icicles.

[Name] took out a Pokeball, pressing the button as it enlarged in her hand. She held it between both her hands as she closed her eyes before opening them and throwing the Pokeball in the air. Charizard came out as he flew above her and landed on the ground, shaking it.

"Charizard!" Charizard let out a loud growl, ember coming from the side of his mouth and his tail glowing brighter.

"Come out, Bergmite!" Wulfric bellows as he threw out a Pokeball.

Bergmite came out, landing on its stubby legs and glaring fiercely at Charizard despite the size gap. "Berg!"

"Ready, Charizard? Let's give it all we got!" [Name] pumped her fist out as Charizard nodded his head. "Air Slash!"

Charizard flies up in the air as he flaps his wings in a fast motion as razor sharp like energy blades fly dangerous fast towards Bergmite.

"Deflect them with Rapid Spin!" Wulfric quickly orders as Bergmite spins counter-clockwise and sends the Air Slash back. "Now, Icy Wind!"

Charizard begins to dodge his own moves as they come flying back to him. While he was distracted, Bergmite had sent an Icy Wind and managed to knock him from the air.

"No way. He was able to deflect the Air Slash and used it as a way to distract Charizard so he could attack," Calem stares with surprise. "Wulfric sure will be a worthy opponent for [Name] and me."

"Are you alright, Charizard?" [Name] worriedly asked as her Pokemon lifted himself from the ground. She didn't expect that happen that quickly. But they weren't going down without a fight. "Sunny Day!"

Charizard let out a growl as the sun started to pour in and rise up the attack of Fire Type moves.

"Now, Flamethrower!" Charizard let out a huge fire from his mouth as it began to fly at Bergmite and land a hit on it.

Wulfric watched as his Pokemon was sent back from the force of the Flamethrower. Bergmite stood up but flinched as it was burned.

"Can you continue?" Wulfric asked, watching as Bermite walked back to the middle. Bergmite nodded its body and stood tall. "Rapid Spin!"

"Hmph. Hidden Power!" [Name] ordered.

Bergmite's body begins to spin counter-clockwise again as it moves at Charizard. Charizard flies in the air, dodging the Rapid Spin despite Bergmite jumping in the air to hit. Flapping his wings, he released a large gust of wind, blowing Bergmite back.

Love Me Like You Do (Ash Ketchum x Reader x Calem)Where stories live. Discover now