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Calem walks back into the room he and [Name] were sharing and shuts the door behind him. He collapses on his bed with a sigh and groans. [Name], who was standing outside in the small balcony connected to their room, walks back inside and sits on her own bed.

"What's wrong? Did you find out about Ash's whereabouts?" she asked, pressing on for more questions.

Calem sits up and shakes his head. "Turns out, Ash never came back from the forest. He's been gone all night. And to make matters worse, Greninja suddenly disappeared in the dead of night. Nobody has a clue on where they went."

"This isn't like him at all. He'll usually only be gone for a few hours, but an entire night?" [Name] stood up from the bed and turned around, biting her thumb.

Suddenly, a snowball crashed into the window next to the door. [Name] looked up in surprise and ran out into the balcony, looking down and expecting to see Ash there. Much to her disappointment, it was only Bonnie. She waved up at her with a smile before proceeding to roll up snowball into a bigger one in the snow.

"Who was that?" Calem asked as he began to take off his jacket.

"It was only Bonnie. She's outside playing in the snow," [Name] replied as she grabbed her bag from the bed and took out her gloves. She then grabbed her winter jacket and boots and put them on. Walking to the door, she opened it and looked back, "I'm going to go outside. You're welcomed to come."

"Oh, come on! I just took off my own jacket!" Calem whined as he placed his hat back on his head.

[Name] laughed and shut the door behind her. She walked down the stairs and greeted Nurse Joy and Wigglytuff. Before she went out, [Name] glanced up at the screen displaying all of Greninja's information. [Name] shook her head and walked outside where Clemont, Bonnie, and Pikachu were. Pikachu jumped onto her shoulder and rubbed his face against her own.

"Sure Pika, warm yourself on me and make me freeze my face," [Name] chuckled, lightly pushing him away.

"Pika, Pi," Pikachu laughed and jumped back on the railing.

Bonnie stopped rolling her giant snowball and looked off towards the forest. "Ash will come back, right?"

"Do not worry," Clemont assured her when Pikachu jumped onto his shoulder. To Clemont's surprise, Pikachu threw Ash's Pokeballs to the ground. "What are you doing, Pikachu?"

Noivern, Hawlucha, Talonflame all came out of their Pokeballs, stretching their limbs after staying inside for too long.

"Pika, Pika, Pika, Pi," Pikachu began shouting until he lowered his voice. "Pika..."

Hawlucha suddenly spun around and ran at a tree, punching it as a pile of snow fell on his head.

Bonnie stared with confusion before beginning to look around. "Hey, where's Serena?"

Clemont shrugged his shoulders as Pikachu jumped from his shoulders and joined Hawlucha. Noivern and Talonflame flew up in the air as they began to battle each other. [Name] leaned against the railing of the porch and staring off into the forest. Calem soon came out, winter gear and all. He held his and [Name]'s bags in his arms before placing them on the bench.

Serena probably went to go look for Ash, [Name] guessed. And no doubt will she bring him back.

The four stayed outside for a while, watching as Ash's Pokemon let out their frustration on inanimate objects. Sudden dark clouds began to form above them, looking as if it were about to rain or hail. Bonnie and Clemont sat on the stairs of the Pokemon Center, staring off into the sky. [Name] and Calem sat on a bench, silently watching the Pokemon.

Love Me Like You Do (Ash Ketchum x Reader x Calem)Where stories live. Discover now