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"Wh-what? How is that possible?!"

Jessie slammed her cards down on the grass, letting out a growl of frustration. James' eyebrow twitched as he stared at his own set of cards before he sighed and let them fall to the ground. Meanwhile, I had a smirk on my face, staring at my empty paw. On the pile of cards laid all of my own, but alas, I have won the game.

"Meowth, how was it you were able to have three plus four's in your deck?!" Jessie pointed a finger at me and accused me. "Did you somehow cheat?!"

"What? I didn't!" I lied, faking an expression. "I would never do anything like that! How can anyone cheat at Uno?"

"That is true. Perhaps we're just terrible, Jessie," James joined in, shrugging his shoulders only to jump at Jessie's loud voice.

"But it was you who shuffled the cards!" Jessie stated, standing up and glaring down at James. "It's your fault for this! I should have never let you shuffle them!"

"Oh, so now it's my fault," James stood up from the ground and shouted, "Maybe the one here at fault is you for letting me shuffle the cards! You knew I'm terrible at it, so why did you let me shuffle!"

"I forgot!" Jessie hissed.

"I'm sure you did," James snapped.

I watched as the two bickered back and forth, getting up in each other's faces. Unknown to them, I tried to hide a smile on my face. Yes, I did cheat by switching out my horrible cards with much better ones that just so happened to have three +4's. I did it while James and Jessie were arguing like they are now. Of course, I would never tell them this.

After a while of watching them argue, I got bored and laid on my back. I stared at the clouds moving and tried to make out the figures formed. Suddenly, I heard two voices from my left. I sat up and look around. Seeing as how Jessie and James were still arguing, I took this as a chance to explore. I peeked over some bushes and my eyes landed on a person I haven't seen in a while.


She seemed to be traveling with this unfamiliar looking guy. I never once seen him in my life. But he was much better looking than Ash if I admit. If I remember correctly, [Name] left the group a while back. I think it had something to do with Ash. Good for her. She didn't need any of his foul attitude. I even felt a bit bad for her. Glad to see she is doing fine.

They were caught up in their own world, laughing at something. Never mind, it was actually the guy that was doing the talking and laughing. A green thing was on [Name]'s shoulder, but I didn't really care for that. My eyes move over to [Name]'s side. My eyes shine with happiness upon spotting Dragonair. I haven't seen him either. I glance back to see Jessie and James still arguing. I'm sure they wouldn't mind me going out for a walk.

Time to pay an old friend a visit.

::: [Name]'s P.O.V :::

Calem laughed at one of his jokes, his laughed heard loud and clear in the peaceful forest. I let out a small laugh, trying to go along with it. The joke itself wasn't funny, but seeing Calem laugh made me laugh along with him. Takeo let out a noise, almost as if it was disappointed with Calem's joke. Dragonair slithered by my side, his motion almost as if he was bouncing up and down. Usually, he liked to stay inside his Pokeball and take naps whenever possible, but this time he was outside.

Ever since I told my Pokemon about the strange dreams and voice in my head, they got a bit more worried. Dragonair himself had made it clear he wanted to stay by myself in case anything ever happened. It made me glad they worried about my well being, but their overprotectiveness has gotten a little far. But I guess it would just mean I have a strong bond with Pokemon.

Love Me Like You Do (Ash Ketchum x Reader x Calem)Where stories live. Discover now