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"That's not fair! You're cheating!" Bonnie whined, puffing her cheeks out and stared at [Name]. "You knew there wasn't a Pokemon with two ts! That's why you chose that one!"

"But it followed the rules of the game which isn't cheating," [Name] pointed out, smiling to herself at winning the game. "Oshawott's the only Pokemon with an Os starting with it."

"I want a rematch!" Bonnie threw her arms in the air, jumping from foot to foot.

Clemont smiled and said, "Bonnie, why don't you leave [Name] alone for a while? You have been talking her with since before we left the Pokemon Center. Let her have a break."

"It's quite alright, Clemont. I've missed her excitement," [Name] reassured him as Bonnie turned to her brother and gave him a huff.

After Bonnie had asked for [Name] and Calem to travel with them and Ash's agreement, Bonnie had talked with [Name] nonstop. She almost stayed up the whole night just to talk to her had Clemont not stepped in. And when she woke up, the first she did was talk with [Name]. Serena had felt a little out, having traveled with Bonnie more than [Name] at this point and thought she had a strong bond with the girl but unfortunately [Name] still held that place. She thought [Name] would be left out but it turns out she's the one left out.

Calem had been talking with Clemont for some time, talking about Clemont's inventions and how he had become a Gym Leader. Calem was surprised he was even talking with him. He thought he was just going to stay silent the entire time they traveled with them, but Clemont was an actually okay guy. As long as he stayed out of Ash's way, he was fine. If only Ash didn't glare at him whenever he looked at him.

Ash, on the other hand, was bitter the entire time. He watched [Name] and Calem interact with HIS friends as if they knew each other. Well, they did but they didn't know them as long as Ash. [Name] is an exception as she had traveled with them but Calem. What was his deal? Ash glare at him and he made it very obvious, maintaining eye contact. And yet, the guy wouldn't flinch. At least he didn't say anything to him. A few times he would catch himself starting at [Name] and immediately scold himself. But every time [Name] smiled or laughed, it gave him joy. It had been a while since he last seen her like that. He made her cry once. Even now, he still regretted it. Ash wanted to apologize to her, but whenever he wanted to talk to her, he would just say something rude and move on with his life. Then, he would be full of guilt. If only he could just say what he wants.

Unknown to him, someone was staring at him, noticing his bitter and almost gloomy mood. They too felt the need to say something but couldn't due to the fear.

They were the same. Both wanting to say something but too afraid for fear of doing something bad.


A loud rumble echoed through the forest as Bonnie placed her hands on her stomach. "Ugh, my stomach just sounded like an Ursaring. I'm really hungry. Dedenne, are you hungry?"

"De, Nene," Dedenne nodded his head, grabbing a hold of his stomach as well.

[Name] spots an apple tree ahead of them and points at it. "Hey, why don't we eat an apple for a snack. It can keep us full until lunchtime."

Love Me Like You Do (Ash Ketchum x Reader x Calem)Where stories live. Discover now